LOTRO Outfits: Mallorn Shade

I was challenged on Twitter to make an outfit using Trech-helm. It’s an interesting Dunland quest reward – a grey hood with a partial face mask and only the face mask dyes. I accepted the challenge as I already use the piece in one of my Rune-keeper’s outfits. I love how this outfit fits into Lorien and Thinglad both color wise and thematically. I made this outfit to get ready for heading into the Great River area with my Rune-keeper. The elves there are trying to drive the Rohirrim away from the Golden Wood and my Rune-keeper is there to help! The outfit blends in very well with the surroundings of that area, better to go unseen.

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3 thoughts on “LOTRO Outfits: Mallorn Shade”

  1. You beat me to it. You used two parts of my character’s outfit that I am using in The Family Line. I won’t reveal which ones, though, to keep the mystery :p

  2. Well played Cithryth! Cheers!
    I was hoping it could be used for a masquerade outfit, then I saw the hood did not dye. I still have it but never found anything to pair it with.

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