LOTRO Players News is putting the call out to our audience for origin stories. We want to know where our hosts have come from. For example maybe Braxwolf comes from a long line of people who pick up tables. Or maybe you want to tell the long story of how Ethelros became so depressed. Or maybe you want to tell the story of another host.
Feel free to get as crazy and comedic as you want so long as it makes some kind of sense. We recommend including several references about the hosts from our shows in your origin stories (for example: Pineleaf knowing everything). Also maybe include famous LOTRO characters or actual famous people from real life in your story.
Questions to get ideas going:
What job did we have before LPN/being our characters in-game?
What major events in LOTRO’s history did we play a role in and how did they really happen with us involved?
Who are our parents?
Are several hosts involved in the same origin story?
How to submit the story:
Submit the story in a comment below or email us at podcast@lotroplayers.com.
The best origin stories will be read on a future episode of LOTRO Players News.
Feel free to submit as many origin stories for as many hosts as you want.
interesting idea
can’t wait to listen to the stories
We already have 2, I figured you would be one of the first.
I’d love to, but working on some other projects atm..Is there a deadline?
Nope, assuming this goes well, we will keep it up as long as people keep sending them in.
oh great
then surely sooner or later I will invent some crazy origins stories for you guys..warning sometimes my imagination goes wild LOL