LOTRO Players News Episode 58: Western Gondor Review

This week we review Update 14 and Western Gondor.  We also discuss recent news relating to the hobbit film and the Shadow of Mordor game.

Blooper video here.

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Western Gondor Review


Epic Story

Side Quests


Essence System

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Final Thoughts


  • Draculetta – B+
  • Ethelros – B+
  • Pineleaf –  A+
  • Cithryth – A-
  • Andang – A
  • Lilikate – A

Overall Score: A-


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This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support.

Featured Comments

Kazren left a comment on episode 56 of LOTRO Players News:

“I just have to say I look forward to your show every week and you never disappoint. The chemistry is great; I love your humor. I appreciate all the information and especially the time you all spend on the podcast and the website. I know it takes you away from playing. Thank you very much.”


This week we received an email from ‘M’:

“Hi boys and girls!

I’ve been looking for some LOTRO info since I plan to start playing it, and I came across your site. I know I’m only about 6 years late in my adventure but I’m gonna go with: “It’s never too late to try something new!”, and just join in. You seem like a fun group that knows the game well and still enjoys it after all this time. I hope you won’t mind helping me out by answering a few questions.

1. Which server would you recommend?

I’m a casuall player and I’d like to be a part of helpful, polite and fun community.

2. Which class would you recommend?

I know I should focus on class that suits me best but here’s the thing. I don’t want to start out a class and then realize that it’s very dull, limited or overpopulated. I’d like to play a class that constantly develops and reqiures me to put some mind to it. From what I’ve gathered so far captain, loremaster or warden might be OK, but I really don’t have any game time and also don’t have much time to try out everything.

3. XP vs. Content?

I am a LOTR fan but I also want a gaming experience. Should I focus more on reaching certain level or following the storyline will satisfy my gaming needs at any level? I’m referring to group content, finding on level groups etc.

So thanks for you help. I’ll be sure to check your site for further tips and guides.

Stay excellent


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Ethelros @Ethelros

Lilikate @LilikateBuggins

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Final Thoughts

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Note: Next week, News will be on Thursday (August 7) @ our usual time.

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Thanks for watching!

7 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 58: Western Gondor Review”

  1. Excellent summary, I didn’t notice how much I was ignoring the story lines. As the story lines were being discussed, I was thinking, I don’t remeber that at all. But then when the actual task was mentioned I thought, I guess I did do that. I have not done anything with the essence system. It doesn’t seem to have much of a payoff. I think Turbine is trying to fix an issue that they have gotten themselves into. It seems to me, in the past, you could get multiple sets of the same gear with different stats. Then mix and match based on how you wanted to build. For example, crafted gear. I have noticed that those options have gone away over the last few expansions. I find myself getting a rare drop or reward that is much better than my previous. So I end up equiping it regardless of the individual stat bonus.

  2. Hi guys n girls! I just wanted to throw my two cents on the zone. I am loving it, the dailies do not feel like a grind, the new group area is awesome, I like the difficulty of it. The new essence system is amazing! We finally get to create the stats that we want and everyone gets to be different n creative with their roles and classes. As always, excellent podcast. Keep up the great work.


  3. On the topic of not enough Quests/XP to make it to 100…

    Like Pineleaf, I made it to 100 before making it to Dol Amroth proper. I’m not VIP, so I don’t have that specific boost, and I used no XP boost tomes or anything like that. Here’s my thoughts on why it seems people come up short:

    – Mob Dodging : In the “rush” to get from one zone to the next, it seems people dodge more mobs than they actually fight.

    – Ignoring Tasks : Without any mithril coin resets or additions to task limits, this is around 10 additional quests per day, that can be completed in seconds.

    – Ignoring Warbands : Warband completions are quests; there are no raid level warbands so all of them can be solo’d without much effort.

    – Lack of Exploration : There are few areas that have a half dozen or more auto-bestow quests, but no direct quest that leads players to that specific area (the beachhead near DA, the camp near the broken bridge in the south, etc.).

    I think with a combination of the above, it would very easy for someone to not reach 100.

    1. I barely made it to 98 before running out of quests, and I certainly didn’t rush through anything. I’m not VIP, but did not turn in tasks for XP either. I did most of the content solo, so I did not take on any warbands that were not already engaged.

      I don’t know. I’m having a hard time believing that some tasks and extra mob kills would make up for two whole levels in a 5 level update.

      1. well I sure didn’t run into that problem 😛 They openned the servers after the update and I was lvl 100 by evening by doing Sword Hall of Dol Guldur over and over again with kinmates. And then I finished all the Epic Book Volume 4. This has been the norm for me for last 3 updates/expansions.

  4. Wonderful show and review, everyone! 🙂

    For me:

    The Good

    Immersion, environment, and story: Absolutely amazing. A friend and I walked every single step of our journey through Western Gondor. Up and down the streets of Morlad and all the way to Dol Amroth itself, the lands were alive with wonderful visions and immersive tales.

    The Essence system: Oh my goodness. Helm’s Deep was the absolute nadir for our ability to distinguish ourselves and make meaningful choices for ourselves. Itemization became so simplified and unimportant that one would wear virtually anything and it would make no difference whatsoever.

    With the Essence system, Might classes can choose to raise their Critical Rating, Light and Medium classes feeling that their armor is paper-thin can choose to raise their mitigations to a dizzying degree. There is so much that can be done, and I have to disagree with the opinion that essence armor is weaker than standard fare. Perhaps an Essence guide is in order… 🙂

    ,b>The Not So Good

    Tarlang’s Crown… should not have been released. Everything that is good and true about the stories and questing in all of Gondor is the exact opposite here, providing you can even read the quests with all the respawning Corsairs. I fear this area will become unpopular very quickly and Turbine will say, “See! No one wants group content”, when really the case is no one wants to have to fight the same respawning monsters over and over. An area like Limlight Gorge would have been so much better.

    Class and Skill Development:The five levels in Gondor gives us 2 skill points, which is worth one in non-specialized lines. And the way it seems like Turbine is proceeding with this (adding passive traits rather than skills) actually would have worked far better with the old trait system, where limited available slots would have forced the ‘meaningful choices’ that were promised, rather than a no-brainer decision to choose the new capstone for a single point cost.

    So far, the new system is the old system, except with a vertical orientation, the loss of many skills, and a whole lot more restriction. To justify the expenditure of time and resources, the new system had to be not only equal to the old but far superior. We are not there yet.

    Overall Grade: B

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