A Beorning, a Burglar, a Captain, a Champion, a Guardian, a Hunter, a Lore-master, a Minstrel, a Rune-keeper and a Warden walk into a tavern. After not too long a fight breaks out. Which class would win in a fight?
Which tavern are they in? How did the fight start? Let us know in the comments below!

My warden defeats all!! Go Pashrid!
I say a Captain. Everybody loves captains, no one would fight him/her. So he would stand there and wait for everyone else to fall.
As much as I love Champions, I always feel outclassed and underpowered compared to everyone else. Except perhaps the burglar, who would win just by going invisible and then picking everyone else’s pockets after the dust has cleared.
If we are in a bar and I tell you that guy over there is a burglar, you will not have a positive reaction to that person. Once the AOE starts flying, the burglar will get knocked out of stealth. And once that happens everyone will gank him.
High-level burgs can trait in one of their lines to not get knocked out of stealth by damage.
I love my captain and all but is this really even a competition? I mean… Beornings can literally turn into bears!
And yet somehow they are tied for last right now.
Plot twist: Beornings are already in game…as lore-master pets. Thus, Beornings have no chance in winning a fight when a LM is also there (can’t believe I just defended the LM).
Champion offcourse, there is no comparison blades shlinging, raging blades ftw
Burglar of course. How you going to win a fight when all your gear has been nicked?
I say Burg. He goes into stealth and watches as the others slug it out and kill each other off. Then he sneaks up behind the exhausted last man standing and knifes them in the back.
If it ended up being a long fight, it would end up being between a warden and captain. Who would run out of power first.
Warden’s don’t run out of power
Oh wait! I change my mind.
The Hunter yells “Hey!” and shoves the captain. The Captain quickly reaches for his banner with the intent of slamming it down. But in the process, he snags the Guardian and Warden by the cross bow and spear causing them all to topple over.
The Rune Keeper gives out a hardy laugh at them. The Warden reaches for her spear and sweeps the rune keeper right off his feet.
The Captain tries to get to his feet but the Hunter tackles him down to the ground again.
By this time the Guardian had gotten to his feet again. The Champion, seeing an opening, charges the Guardian. Shing Shing! But the Guardian was too quick in evading the advance. The Champion plowed straight into a new keg and shattered it! Ale sprayed all over the place and all over the Beorning. This ticked off the Beorning! Standing up and towering over the Champion and says “Do you know how long it took me to get all that orc filth off me?! Ale’s for drinking..not wearing!” She grabs the Champion and Guardian and flings them into the rest of them.
The Lore-master summons his Ent. The Ent yells out “I am Groot!!!!” slamming his foot down and shaking everyone to the floor. Everyone starts to get back to their feet after a moment. A smirk appears on the Lore-masters face. “Sic ’em” he says. All his animal friends to charging after the others. They quick surrender before any harm comes to them. The Lore-master calls off his animal.
But he didn’t see the Minstrel coming behind him. Wham! to the side of the head with the Theobo sending the Lore-master to the floor. The Minstrel didn’t realize there was ale all over the floor by this time. The force of the swing also caused her to slip and slam on the floor.
After a couple minutes, everyone looked up hearing a wonderful chuckle. “I guess that means I won the last piece of pie” says the Burglar between bites. “But we’re a team. A fellowship! I want to share the fun with all of you! Did you see these?” pointing to some pies. 3 very large pies that any Hobbit in finishing in one sitting.
Everyone yells “For the Fellowship!” as they raise their mugs. Everyone every ends up winning!
In the shadows, a dark figure has been watching the whole scene. He lets out a quiet cackle. “Just wait and see what I have coming up against you” says Rook the wizard……..
lol that is awesome!
Have you ever killed a warden in the Moors? Well, neither have I, but not for lack of trying. Champ would be a formidable contender in a close-quarters fight, but wardens just. don’t. die. ever.