Hello Friends!
Welcome to the fourth edition of LOTRO Poems!
This week was one busy week for me. This week I led some raids and also made kin rules for my kin on Brandywine. I am loving the new sockeded armour. Its a wonderful concept and I hope Turbine invests more time on it.
This week I wanted to continue the theme of one serious poem and one light fun poem. This poem is also written by yours truly, its called “Helms Deep”. It’s a sequel to my previous poem “Estelali”. It had been while since Estelali, during that time Turbine launched Helms Deep expansion. After I finished all the quests on my champion, Estelali, I thought about writing a sequel to his story. With that in mind I wrote this poem.
Helms Deep
Riding fast and riding swift I came,
On my War Steed, Firefly is his name,
Yep, my war steed is called Firefly and yes It’s a reference to the awesome tv show ‘Firefly’. I am a huge fan of the show. I’d give anything to fly in serenity.
Western Rohan, ah! the desolation and cries,
The free people divided, full of orcs and spies,
The set of quests in western Rohan were very unique. I really liked the story line, how men of Rohan were divided because of the inactiveness of King Theoden.
The King under a spell, corruption of Grima, he wasn’t leading,
Seeing all the death, division and desperation, my heart was bleeding,
My character is from Gondor, he is one of the dunedain of south, blood of Numenor flowing through his veins. He admired and loved the people of Rohan. When he saw all this corruption in land of Rohan, he was in grief and pain.
Then came the light in the shadow, the ray of hope, Gandalf the white,
The conquerer of death, the keeper of Vilya, a majestic sight,
The return of Gandalf, not Gandalf the grey, but Gandalf the white! Back from death, to complete his mission, with his full might and power and magic. He was what Saruman ought to be.
The King came out of darkness and held up his sword,
Heir of Eorl the young, Theoden, Rohan ‘s lord,
Eorl! I love that name. When I saw one of the reputation factions was called Eorlingas, I couldn’t wait to get kindred with them and get the title. The passage about Eolr the young showing up to save Gondor is one of my favorite passages.
I went through all the town’s to spread this news,
To gather people under one banner, to change their views,
Awesome storyline. Bravo Turbine!
We rode to Helms Deep, prepared it defences,
We cranked the catapults, the ballistics, built the fences,
Yes! Yes! Yes! Finaly I came to Helms Deep! I had not been to beta testing, so the reveal of Helms Deep was an amazing moment, when Estelali arrives at Helms Deep. It’s huge!!! I just wanted to put settings to Ultra High and just watch this beautiful keep.
And then they finally came, the army of Isengard,
Our numbers were weak, but we fought hard,
Epic Battle Helms Deep! I know Epic Battle system is controversial and some people don’t like it, but I love it! It’s a much needed break from regular raids and instances. My character is a captain and now in Epic Battles I get to play my role as a captain and give commands and strategise the battle. Love it! Keep them coming, Turbine!
We slew thousands, Legolas and Gimli were counting,
The orcs flew before Anduril, flame of the west , it was daunting,
Yep, sometimes I dropping names. I fought alongside Aragorn, Logolas and Gimli, have you?
But the orcs kept coming, they weren’t stopping,
Driven by the will of Saruman, they weren’t stopping,
Then came the dawn, and the white rider came,
With an army of Eorlingas, and a white flame,
From the movies, one of my favorite scenes is when Gandalf comes down on the orcs from the mountain.
The orcs fled before them, with fear and scorns,
The shephards of the forrest, the Ents and Huorns,
I just wanna tell y’all that it’s so darn difficult to find a rhyming word for Huorn -.-
The battle for Helms Deep was a victory, a win,
But The battle for Middle-Earth is just about to begin.
Yep it’s from the last scene of The Two Towers. Now starts our fight for the future of Middle-earth. Now is the time all free folks join forces and ride for Gondor. The enemy is preparing and so are we.
Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. If you want me to feature your poem, you can send it to me at legendraiderx@gmail.com. I would feature it along with your name, website and contact info.