Play On Enemies’ Fears In Shadow of Mordor

Today the official YouTube channel for Shadow of Mordor released a new video showing how Talion can use his wraith powers to discover his enemies fears.  The video shows the player sending bugs and ghûls at enemy orcs, causing them to run away.  This seems to really be an effective strategy on the orcs higher in the chain of command because you can take over them once they are running away.

It was recently announced that Celebrimbor is the wraith in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.  Shadow of Mordor is set to release September 30th.

5 thoughts on “Play On Enemies’ Fears In Shadow of Mordor”

  1. I never knew orcs spoke with a British accent. As odd as it seems, is this perhaps the worst? Considering he made up the entire world solely as a place where his languages could live. I think it would have been better if thier fears were completely backward. Ahhhh a puppy and daisy, run!!!

  2. They should have gotten John Cleese to do the voice over work for the orc. What would John Cleese Orc say..”Hello ranger, or wraith if you prefer. I’m terribly sorry but I’m going to have to cut off your head and eat your man-flesh. Once again very sorry” Now that would be a fantastic game. I think I am going to speak in JCO all day.

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