Entire Hobbit Panel Video – SDCC 2014 – Battle of the Five Armies

Entire Hobbit Panel Video – SDCC 2014 – Battle of the Five Armies post thumbnail image

A few days ago at San Diego Comic Con, Stephen Colbert hosted The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies panel. The panel included several characters from the film as well as its director, Peter Jackson.  There are a lot of great questions and answers in this panel and it also had the first public viewing of the teaser trailer that was officially released on Monday.

Warning: There is mild language and adult themes discussed in the panel video below.

1 thought on “Entire Hobbit Panel Video – SDCC 2014 – Battle of the Five Armies”

  1. I would have loved to see Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, and Richard Armatige there. They would have added so much to the panel. Dang work schedules. Not that it wasn’t fun to watch at all. Colbert added how much of a geek he was, “training for a race he never new was coming.” Exactly!
    Secondly, the person taking the video could have been in a better spot as he kept trying to capture Peter Jackson from behind the podium. I am unsure how the whole placement of the press goes but it kind of took me out of the video as he kept going back and forth from the live panel the feed on the monitor above. Anybody else get seasick?
    Thirdly, If Peter Jackson can’t get funding for the Silmarillion, maybe a kickstarter campaign would help 🙂 Though I don’t have much money with two kids and a mortgage, I’d donate!
    Lastly, “BUTTON LADY!”

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