LOTRO Poems #3

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the third edition of LOTRO Poems! Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and enjoying putting ‘Essences’ on your new slotted gear in LOTRO.

This week we will change gears again and switch back to a more serious poem I wrote. It’s titled ‘Forever Alone’ and it’s about our favourite villan in Lord of The Rings universe, Gollum. Gollum is a really interesting character and its evolution through early drafts of The Hobbit to the later revisions and character development in Lord of The Rings shows us how much Tolkien thought about this character. What started off as an honest creature who was wilfully going to give his precious ring to Bilbo after losing the riddle game and how Tolkien changed his nature and intentions in later version. Smeagol was really important to history of Middle-earth. Despite his flaws and short comings, we still love this villan and above all, we pity him.



Forever Alone

Alone on my own, in a dark cave,

Bound by My Precious, a worshiper, a slave,

A shadow, a wight, a wraith to be,

Remembering the past, my life is a memory,

Thinking of times gone, when I was free,

In the depths of a town with no tree,

Living in misery, I forgot my name,

Awaiting a savior who never came,

No friends here, no reason to live,

Lost in my ways, nothing to give,

But then one day, Bagginses came,

Stole My Precious, played a game,

Lied to us, we hates it,

Ran from us, we hates it,

Now My Precious is forever gone,

Alone I am, Alone on my own. 

Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. If you want me to feature your poem, you can send it to me at legendraiderx@gmail.com. I would feature it along with your name, website and contact info.

Published by


A writer, a dreamer

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