Real Life LOTRO: Hobbiton, July 2013

My previous two Real Life LOTRO posts showcased the Hobbiton set under construction. But now we come to my most recent set of pictures from Matamata, taken just over a year ago now. After our very small wedding, our little wedding party took a trip and visited Hobbiton once again. At that point in time of course filming had finished and the set had been fully turned into a welcoming tourist attraction fit for any hobbit. This is my favorite set of pictures because of the incredible detail that has been put into this place. Each and every hobbit hole is unique and you can surmise each hobbit’s profession based on what is laying around outside their doors. They even have a team of gardeners that work year long to make sure the vegetables and flowers are looking amazing.

Hope you’re ready for a whole boat load of images! I couldn’t decide which ones were best, so this is nearly all of them. I think you guys will appreciate them though!


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And of course, Bag End was finished!

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This view from the steps of Bag End is amazing. You can see the Party Tree, the Green Dragon, and field of sheep beyond.



The tents around the party tree have a lot of detail too:


My personal favorite though is the Green Dragon. The detail in this place is phenomenal! And the food was amazing too. Not pictured is the resident cat of the Green Dragon named Pickles. She’s a pretty cool cat who doesn’t take nonsense from tourists.

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And this final picture is my absolute favorite picture of the whole bunch. It really conveys how cozy and comfortable and picturesque this whole place is. I wish I could just sit at this table, looking out the window, drinking endless tea and infinite steak & ale pies! Like a true hobbit!



Hope you’ve enjoyed my pictures of Hobbiton. Next time I’ll be sharing my pictures from film locations and cast hangouts around Wellington!

5 thoughts on “Real Life LOTRO: Hobbiton, July 2013”

  1. Just curious… Do people live there? If so, that’s both AWESOME, and probably painful(Considering the low rooftops)

    1. Haha, no, no one lives there, it’s just maintained by the tour people. It’s kind of like a park that you have to pay to get to, but then you get a tour and a free drink at the end (they have a few types of different beers to chose from, a cider, and some ginger beer).

      It would be awesome if you could live there though!

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