Celebrimbor is the Wraith in Shadow of Mordor

A new trailer for Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor reveals the wraith alligned with the main character, Talion, is Celebrimbor.

The trailer features an amazing scene between Celebrimbor and Gollum; the forger of the rings and possibly the biggest victim from them.  While the plot is not lore appropriate at all, if you get passed that fact, I think the story could present some interesting scenarios between the forger and his inadvertent victims.

There is a lot of information in this trailer but something that really stood out was that it is suggested that Talion and Celebrimbor are linked by their families being destroyed by Sauron.

The release date for Shadow of Mordor has been moved up to September 30th.

12 thoughts on “Celebrimbor is the Wraith in Shadow of Mordor”

  1. hmmm… well there goes the mystery :/ probably would have been better to have kept it under wraps and have players discover this on their playthrough.

  2. In many ways I like some of what I’ve seen about this game. And the idea of exploring Mordor rather intrigues me, very much so honestly. Yet at the same time WB’s wanton disregard for lore I find disturbing. If it was a world they had created then they can do whatever they please. Yet when making something in a world you have not created yourself, especially one as complex as Tolkien’s is, you should have some respect for that world’s creator and the lore he has put in place.

    Simply making the game means bending lore and I am okay with that, in fact I can easily handle a great deal of lore bending. But when that bending turns into breaking… And we’ve been getting mixed messages as far as that goes. WB has been sending saying “This is not cannon” but that “the stories will align”. I do not see how that is possible. If you break cannon than clearly your story cannot align with cannon. How can something align with something that it is not?

    I have always liked Tolkien because there is a depth to his world that you do not often find in modern literature, it is a very Beowulf like quality. And like Beowulf it expresses older ideas, Tolkien’s “theory of courage” for example, and older ways of thinking. Anyone who has read Tom Shippey’s The Road to Middle-Earth will know what I mean. It is a little sad to see what one might almost call the essence of what Tolkien was trying to do ripped out simply in order to make a game. I would rather have them bend the lore but hold to the cannot, the essence if you will, as much as possible and still make a good game. Because yes, I think that is entirely possible, though not perhaps and easy thing to do.

  3. Great stuff, WB. Why don’t you go and spit on Tolkien’s grave, while you’re at it? Who cares what the dead guy wanted, when you can reach for people who like Transformers-movies and stuff. This is just sad …

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