Hello Everybody,
I have had the most fun wandering in far places looking at different creatures. In recent times I have been in the very far south in Western Gondor. There are many creatures to gaze upon, my travels took me to Dol Amroth, Tadrent and Morlad. In this episode of my Western Gondor series I am looking at domesticated creatures.
Dol Amroth:
What a beautiful place this is! I fell in love with it, in an instant.
There are swans everywhere in Dol Amroth. They are very friendly, especially if you have a snack or five.
This plain horse may not be colourful or have plenty of accessories but he does pull a heavy load.
These Horses and Ponies are always ready to carry an adventurer to some place new.
Tadrent is a community in the Haven of Belfalas. There are many domesticated animals here. The chickens were abundant.
I enjoyed seeing these Pigs here. Reminded me of Bugeford in The Shire.
A nice healthy flock of Sheep. Thick woolly coats and very intelligent!
I loved these Domesticated Tadrent Bunnies! Larger than your wild grey variety. They seem to like these Gondorian Children. Look at those ears! How adorable. (I’m going to try and see if they will sell me one to keep as a pet).
The people of Morlad, a town in the North of this region. Breed these tame domesticated goat. They seem to be suited to the hilly terrain here. I have to stop this one from nibbling my coat!
On the Road:
Lastly these Warsteeds. These are not domesticated animals in the true sense of the word, but they will carry you and protect you if they choose too. There are so many different Warsteeds! They all are wonderful creatures.
I missed Lilikate’s creatures. Awesome post
Was there one for Western Rohan?
Not Yet! I was stuck in Ered Luin, then I found an Eagle and was Smitten in Love!
Lovely article, Lilikate! I hadn’t noticed all of those adorable tame bunnies! I’m going to go look for them later!
I think those bunnies are my favourite so far!