Store Sales 7-18/7-24

Free Sample Of The Week

Skill and Slayer Deed Boost x1
Use Coupon Code STA7 1/Account

Quest Packs

25% Off 595-795 446-596 vip_button_small_en  *Note Does not include Quest Pack: West Gondor.*

Drac Says – Yes! Always Good To See Quest Packs On Sale!!! Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Mithril Coins

25% Off 50-2000 38-1500

Drac Says – I’m torn about buying these, they do come in handy, you can get this randomly in Hobbit Present as well meh_red (Custom)

100% XP Boost (1hr)

25% Off 150-600 113-450

Drac Says – Well timed sale on these, with the increase in level cap! These never hurt! Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Max Morale & Power Scroll

25% Off  15-225 11-169

Drac Says – Nope.. Don’t waste your TP on these.. Get them via hobbit presents on the AH Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Boost Weekend
+25% to Skirmish Mark Acquisition
July 18th – 20th


  1. Eirlog Musclegut /

    Anyone surprised that just as the mad leveling rush starts, they put XP boosts on sale… Sword Halls has been especially popular on Riddermark!

    If anyone is interested I almost made level 100 by just doing the solo quest content in Western Gondor (I have not started the group landscape content). I had to join in on a few Sambrogs and skraids to get the last half a level.

  2. davidt /

    Is the West Gondor quest pack on sale at 25% off, one day after I purchased it for 795 TP?

  3. Always like a free Skill and Slayer deed scroll 🙂

    Drac was turned by Mithril Coins…

    I go through phases of using them (ie if I win a batch I tend to use em) but only ever buy 5 per character so that I can get the return to Lalia travel skill(3 mithril for sale in Lalia’s!)

    XP boosts not needed as have already over-leveled in Moria and have much yet to explore…

  4. Tinybel /

    Hmmm neat freebie.

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