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Volume 1 Fully Voiced Video Series

Hail and well met friends!  Andang here excited about finally finishing my commentary series of the Volume 1 Epic Story.  I started this series in November of 2012.  At the time I just had the microphone inside my laptop and no idea all the work that goes into making videos for YouTube.  

Sometime in the early episodes I decided to start to read and eventually give voices to the characters in the series.  I love the story within the words of LOTRO and have received several messages from people throughout the series saying that I had helped them realize how great the quest text is in LOTRO’s epic story.  Those messages alone make all the work worth while.  Speaking of work, on average for every 20 minute episode there is around an hour of work attached to making it possible.  If I would have known the amount of work at the start I likely would not have started the 89 episode series.

This series has been with my channel almost from the start and by watching the series you can see the clear progression and improvement in quality my channel has gone though over the last 20 months.  It is painful now for me to watch the early episodes of this series because of how far I have come.  I don’t regret making the early episodes though because without them, my videos would not be able to be at the level of quality they are today.

Some say that all good things come to an end.  It was hard to see this series end because it has been a part of my channel almost since the beginning.  Luckily this is not the end of my epic story series as there are at least three more volumes to this great game.  While it really does feel like a closing of a chapter in my life, there is another, similar chapter coming to replace it.  If you would like to know when the Volume 2 series begins, an easy way to be notified is to subscribe to my channel.

My Volume 2 series has been made possible by supporters on Patreon.  A big thanks to each and every one of them for helping my channel to continue to grow.

Also a big thanks to Turbine for making this fantastic story for us to experience.

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