Poll: What Is Your Favorite Starter Zone?

Starter zones are the first impression upon new players that come to LOTRO.  With that in mind, we are curious about what players regard as their favorite starter zone.

What is your favorite starter zone in LOTRO?

How much total gold do you have in LOTRO?

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6 thoughts on “Poll: What Is Your Favorite Starter Zone?”

  1. Ered Luin is definitely my favorite starter zone, and it’s also the easiest area to complete for deeds. Though it’s not the one I’ve done most often, curiously enough (most of my characters are Women, and I always try to do the zone my characters are supposed to start in first…).

  2. Bree is a nice place to start. It’s pretty and interesting, and starting there means that you will still have the Shire left to discover and marvel at later.

  3. I prefer Ered Luin as well. The deeds are the easiest, you get to fight goblins right away, and you don’t have to deliver any mail or pies.

    You get to go to Breeland anyway, so you might as well start in Ered Luin!

  4. I am more partial to Brea-land. I like the feel of Bree and the history of men. All 13 of my toons, with the exception of three, started in Brea-land.

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