Hello Friends!
My name is Ali and I live in Italy. I have always been fascinated with poetry. The deeper meanings behind verses and the open to interpretation aspect have made me very much appreciative of it. Trying to figure out the poets state of mind, his hidden messages, his joys and his sorrows all summed up in rhyming words are a thing of beauty. You can take a single verse of some great poet and write pages explaining and expanding upon it. Its really a true art form.
Many people know J.R.R.Tolkien as the author of Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit, which are high fantasy masterpieces, but not many of us know the professor as a poet. In my opinion Tolkien was a great poet. But most people often skip over the poems when they come across them in Tolkiens’ work. Tolkien was fascinated with poetry, he even started writing the whole story of Beren and Luthien in verses. Another personal favorite of mine is Errantry, in my entire life I have never read a more beautiful poem.
So a couple of days ago this idea came to me to start this blog series,which will feature poems inspired by Tolkiens’ world, to create a place for creative writers who have the same passion for Tolkien as myself.
And to kick things off, the first poem I wanted to feature is my fan poem about our most beloved wizard from Middle-earth, Gandalf.
We all first met this mysterious wizard in The Hobbit where he led the company of 13 dwarfs and a hobbit on a journey across Middle-earth to The Lonely Mountain but his arrival, his purpose, his powers, his mission and stature and his true identity are later explored in detail in The Lord of The Rings and The Silmarillion. Out of all 5 messengers the Valar sent to Middle-earth, only Gandalf stayed true to his mission and succeeded in it. His humility, his grace, his humor and his care for the little folk make him a true inspiration and a true hero in the history of Middle-earth.
When all the hope was gone, he came,
Like a beacon of light,
In the shadow of night,
His mighty ancient sword aflame,
His pointy hat and long beard,
Smoking his pipe weed,
Riding his white steed,
He is loved by all, not feared,
His humility was exemplary and his grace,
A steward, a passenger,
A wizard, a messenger,
He wasn’t a man, nor of elvish race,
He walked with mighty powers in west,
His mission was high,
When the end was nigh,
Fought the evil in Moria, he passed the test,
Wandering the Middle-earth, from Ithilien to Bree
Telling his tales, with a pint of ale,
From Ered-luin to Lonely Mountain, of Dale,
He cares for hobbits, elves, dwarves and men free,
Now in the land of Aman, he walks once more,
In company of Nienna, Manwe and Varda,
Faded the power of Narya in Arda,
‘A far green country’, beyond the white shore.
Hope you guys enjoyed the very first LOTRO Poems. I will be waiting for your feedback in the comments section. Also you can submit your Tolkien inspired poems by sending them at legendraiderx@gmail.com.
Hey Ali,
Cool. Another LOTRO player in the Boot!
I was really confused until I remembered that “boot” was different for you. Now I’m still confused (and a little nervous about) why you’re putting him in the boot.
haha heard it first time here
thanks Lilikate grazie 
This is a great new series! Can’t wait to see the next one!
thanks for the support
Nicely done.
thank you
When are you going to start a LOTRO poetry blog? Maybe Pineleaf will provide narration…or try and get some famous people to read them…
haha oh well this is the LOTRO Poetry blog :d I have no access to Pineleaf, but if he is up for narrating these, I am more then happy
PODCAST not blog! OOPS…great stuff anyway! There are a couple of gems on Youtube already although I ended up being distracted by Christopher Lee singing LOTR songs…
Well done, as always Ali
I am really excited about this