Where’s Tinki? – Hrimbarg

Hullo Tinki Minions,

Last time we were searching for Tinki at Tinnudir, in Evendim.

Answers from Where’s Tinki? – Tinnudir.

Easy – Fire Breathing in the middle of the shot.

Medium – Helping herself to some of the meat at the campfire, through the arch.

A Challenge – Standing in the Boat, Whoa there!


This is Tinki.


This week Tinki is hiding somewhere in Hrimbarg.

Remember! Please think of others before leaving the answers in the comments.

This week we go back to the usual method of Tinki spotting, easy, medium and a challenge. One of these should keep you looking for a while 🙂

Answers on the next Where’s Tinki.






The Challenge




Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

11 thoughts on “Where’s Tinki? – Hrimbarg”

  1. I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if the challenge wasn’t a challenge! 🙂

    Anyone spotted her yet?

  2. Comparing photos doesn’t count? I think the Challenge would Impossible without doing that. (Admin Edit-Lilikate) Did I say too much?

    1. Eric you were spot on! But I had to edit your comments because it gave too much information. Comparing is permitted and encouraged 🙂 The challenge part of the post is supposed to be somewhat taxing. Sometimes I like to be sneakier than usual, but the clues are there!
      I always think very carefully about the emotes I use 🙂

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