LOTRO Outfits: Elf-Ambassador

Way back when the game had only recently gone Free to Play, Turbine started introducing meta-deeds to the game. These meta-deeds came with some pretty awesome titles and steeds and I was really into getting all of them. One of these meta-deeds was for Elf reputation. If you reached kindred with the Elves of Rivendell, Galledhrim and Malledhrim you would get the title Elf-Ambassador along with a steed. This outfit doesn’t quite match the steed (the tack is all white and black/dark grey. The Steely Dawn Armour would probably match it well!) however I do feel this outfit fits will with the Elf-Ambassador title. Soft greys and blues combined with bright whites really suit the elves.

And yes, I managed to use Steel Blue dye in this outfit.

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3 thoughts on “LOTRO Outfits: Elf-Ambassador”

  1. Can I get me that dress in a small with added ample bosom room?

    My opinion on the steel blue is still out, slate grey would have been a better name.

    Got any green?

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