Today in the Vilya SHIELD run, Sapience was asked a few questions about Beornings. As usual, Sapience was not able to give a direct answer however did drop this information:
I can’t say anything more about Beornings. However there is a producer’s letter coming out with Update 14. There are three pieces of information in the producer’s letter that players will find very interesting.*
He went on to say that if people were wondering if Turbine listens to players they won’t be wondering much longer. He also said that the 3 pieces of information will make the majority of players happy.
It’s pretty obvious that at least one of the pieces of information will be about Beornings. On Monday while you’re waiting for the servers to come back up with the update this is definitely a letter that will be worth reading it sounds like! What else do you think Rowan will be talking about in his Producer’s Letter coming on Monday?
*not exact wording but very very close!
Assuming he literally meant Majority, it could be:
Housing Revamp
Legendary Item Revamp
No level cap increase (not really majority though?)
Either way, I look forward to reading it, although I have no expectations
*no level cap increase to 105 with Update 15 I mean
It also could be instances or something, but I doubt that because he said majority
Truly majority do not want another level cap increase? So they want whole second part of Gondor (from four) to be lvl 100 which in case of many players will just mean no XP won? So what for these area would be? Why spend TP on it? In such case I will just made epic, roam randomly to see the landscapess and save TP’s for Osgiliath/Minas Tirith which can be expensive like Western Rohan. And I suspect many people will avoid buying it, so Turbine will just lose rescources on making thing which will have very bad sale (which can mean more layoffs). IMO regions with flat level are nonsense. If second part of Gondor would be like Wildermore, then for me it can be scrapped or delayed to 2015 and then made with cap increase.
For me level cap increase is not a problem, but I am not raider, not PvP-er, so I do not care about getting best possible stuff with every cap. Sometimes I make 20 lvls with the same piece of equipment. But as we heard raiders and PvP-ers are minority.
And if it would be gear problem that people have with level cap, so what then? Pelargir (second part of Gondor) couldnt have their own gear slightly better then in Western Gondor?
I know, that’s why I said “No level cap increase (not really majority though?)”, and added the “not really majority though” part. I was simply saying one thing I would like to see/think might be in the letter. I was questioning myself throughout basically all of the points I made, and even cut some out, because it didn’t seem to fit the majority’s wants. But apparently Turbine knows what they’re doing, and they will leave us happy.
I know a lot of people think it’s pointless to add no new levels, and that increasingly appears to be the majority, but I have seen a decent amount of legitimate reasons why it would be good to stop at 100 (on the forums), so I think it could be a thing he announces. Plus, it is completely connected with U15.
I don’t really understand how they get feedback from the majority of the population though, meaning they can make the majority happy, when only a small % of the population is said to use the forums, most of which are a biased bunch. So how do they know what the majority wants? They don’t ask us in-game…
@Baldigar – They have ways of tracking what players do in-game but honestly I don’t think they have a way of knowing what the real majority want. They can only see feedback on various sites, socials and forums.
Assuming there is much of a majority and not merely a collection of factions with different play styles. I’m starting to doubt there really is a strong majority. I’ve also noticed that most players think they’re a part of this mythical majority, which is why they think Turbine implement the things they’re asking for.
In any case, we could all use some good news. I’m looking forward to the announcement.
Now I want to start a band called “The Mythical Majority”
Personally, I’ve long believed that the ‘majority’ is largely indifferent on most things. Claims of universal outrage or universal praise tend to overblown IMO.
If it’s about Beornings likely’s it’s to say it’s coming out with U15, I wonder what the other 2 things are though.
1. There will be a new lair raid, similar to the turtle, available for 1495 TP.
2. This raid will only be playable by Beornings, to highlight their multiple combat roles, avoid complicated class balance issues, and simplify loot tables. Beornings available for 1495 TP.
3. Non-Beornings will be able to transform into bears at a cost of 25 mithril coins per 2 hours.
Isn’t it interesting when players say such things with all the sarcasm they can muster, and then Turbine implements those things and say it’s because the player base asked for them?
Hmm, good point. To be clear, I do not want a new “boss-in-a-box” for 1495 TP, nor do I want Beorning-exclusive group combat.
But turning into a bear? RAWRHOBBIT!
In case of hobbit you can turn only into a bear cub…
Fail nice troll though!
Elves could never turn into bears. They’re incapable of growing enough hair.
Maybe we could glue or staple some on.
They can turn into middleearths version of Borean Hairless Bear –
Here is explanation if someone wondered why he has never heard about such kind of bear
I’ve forgotten link
Speaking of hairless bears, I hope Men get the ability to go topless like the Dwarves can.
Don’t forget Cirdan had a beard, so maybe he could bear-rage.
I think “By Cirdan’s beard!” would be much more alarming and effective than Durin
I hope they decide to let Beornings change to bear form while not in combat so we can replicate the Country Bear Jamboree at Disneyworld
1. Beorning starter zone connected to Lothlorien.
2. Instances planned for update-15
3. Osgiliath PvMP zone confirmed!!!
Forgot that technically they didn’t really confirm the PvMP map. If that is one of the three though I hope the other two have nothing confirmed about them yet and are changes in policy.
OK, my predictions
1. Housing revamp with Rohan and Gondor houses added (and my personal dreams – Lorien housing area and one house per one character so I can have hobbit house for my hobbit, elf house for my elf and so on…)
2. Servers merger
3. Seems that beornings…
My predictions
1. Found new and exciting ways to spend mithril coins}
2. All pets now poop and you can buy a pooper scooper in the store because each turd has a chance for a rare reward
3. Sapience is going to dye his beard cash green
Hey they had us pick up crap before why not get a reward for it.
Given the wording, I suspect these will be things mentioned as desired in Produktion Malphunktion’s thread asking the players what they want.
So, I went through the thread and tabulated these to the best of my ability, lumping specific desires under more general categories (Housing revamp, LI revamp, and such) Multiple desires by the same poster were all tabulated, and I tried to only tabulate each poster’s desires once:
166 – Traditional Endgame Content
62 – Legendary Item Update/Revamp
45 – Housing Update/Revamp
39 – PvMP Improvements
29 – Itemization revamp and reduction of the RNG
21 – “Lessen the Grind” in general
15 – Music System Update/Revamp
13 – Kinship Benefits
9 – Reduce/Eliminate Level Cap Increases
9 – New Hobbies
7 – No more Tablecloth Festival Mounts
4- Server Merges
Of course, some desires did not really fit into a category or were not likely to fit into this type of letter.
Given this, I am thinking…
1. Some sort of minor LI simplification/revamp. This may or may not have something to do with the cost of Emmpowerment/Delving Scrools in U14 appearing to be five times the cost they are now.
2. Some sort of minor Housing revamp. Likely new hooks or something of that nature
3. I agree with Cithryth, something with Beornings, though they were not really discussed in the thread. Maybe they will be in Update 15? Possibly that there will be a choice to start them at Level 1.
Oh, I had better clarify that. Five times as expensive at the Skirmish Camps, in Marks and Medallions, not in Turbine Points in the Store.
“2. Some sort of minor Housing revamp. Likely new hooks or something of that nature”
I hope it is a housing revamp, but the issue is anything they do other than mechanic changes like MC upkeep and a new chest, required a complete re-making of the instances and a wipe of house ownerships. Not that any of that is bad, but it is a complication. They would need to completely re-make all of the instances to add any physical changes, such as more hooks, because all of the individual neighborhoods were originally copied from the same one of that type (so they would have to go in to each house and add hooks) – which wouldn’t be a small undertaking. It could be worth it though, so I hope they do it. But if they put in the effort add a few more hooks, I hope they put in the effort to change a lot more than that. I have said several times that I hope they make the best of the revamp because they wont be doing another.