LOTRO Video Highlights: Shadows of Angmar Launch Event

This week’s video highlight takes us all the way back to the Shadows of Angmar release on Tuesday April 24th, 2007.  The launch event for the game was held at an EB Games inside Universal Citywalk Hollywood in Los Angeles, California.  The following two videos were released within a few days after the release.

GameTrailers LOTRO Launch Event Coverage Video

Warning: At the end of the video below there is strong language.


Do you know of a good LOTRO video and want it to be featured in this series? Send an email to lotroplayers.mymiddleearth@gmail.com with a link to the video and it might end up in a future article.

3 thoughts on “LOTRO Video Highlights: Shadows of Angmar Launch Event”

  1. I have always wanted to attend a game launch event. Now, not so much.

    I found it interesting that in the first video, Orion talks about the importance of PvMP and raids, and how they need to add more. (Also, all the footage was of full fellowships.) He also talks about the importance of social gameplay.

    1. Yeah but at that time there were none in the game. Could you imagine if LOTRO never had them? At least LOTRO has them even though it is not at cap.

      1. Yes, both raids and PvMP were extreme latecomers to LOTRO’s planning, added in response to what they described in pre-launch developer diaries as “strong player demand.”

        I can accept that the same level of demand is no longer there seven years later. This might be true of the MMORPG genre in general. I think gamers still ascribe a certain level of value and prestige to these activities, though. It saddens me to realize that this isn’t tangible enough for their continued support.

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