Game Press Gets LOTRO Update 14 Guided Tour

Earlier today, members of the press were given a guided tour of the new areas included with the soon-to-be released Update 14. The tour included some hints about the new epic story, volume 4 (The Strength of Sauron), and also a tentative release date, July 14th. They also talk about instances in the new epic returning to having both a solo and fellowship option (think “Retake Weathertop” from Volume 1). There was also some mention of the new end-game content: a six-man fellowship area in Dol Amroth as well as repeatables for reputation within the city. Our friends over at LOTRO Reporter were fortunate enough to be invited along for the ride!

Following is their video of the press tour. Much thanks to The MMO Reporter Network for letting us embed their video!

Braxwolf Stormchaser

7 thoughts on “Game Press Gets LOTRO Update 14 Guided Tour”

  1. Out of curiosity, is LOTRO Players too focused on LOTRO, specifically, to be regarded by Turbine as “press”?

    It would be ironic if you had to talk more about other games in order to actually get news from Turbine about LOTRO.

    1. CSTM, LOTRO Players, and many others are considered fans sites when Turbine wants them to be and press when Turbine wants them to be to avoid any contact on any level. Basically they use excuses of categorization to excuse not doing interviews as the press would get and excuse giveaways and things like that as the fan sites would get.

      Basically Turbine ignores people us as much as possible. At least that is what it felt like at CSTM and is what it feels like here. The last few years at CSTM Turbine did not even respond to emails and they don’t respond to ours either. (With exception of The Fellowship Walk but that was like pulling teeth)

      We have no idea why this is the case but would love a real answer from someone at Turbine if they ever decide to respond.

      Luckily they have become much more open in the last year with the Sapience streams and Rowan at the helm so it really doesn’t matter that much as the press doesn’t get that much new stuff anymore the way they are doing things. The fans get most of the information first now through the streams and forums. As long as that continues, I don’t mind being the ignored, dusty 32nd fiddle.

    2. Personally, I believe it is to LOTRO Players’ advantage to be considered a fan site. We are free to give our honest opinions on the game without fear of retribution or blacklisting of any kind. I’m not saying that Turbine engages in these practices, but you’re opened up to that possibility when you are granted access to “exclusive” material before anybody else. I believe our readers and listeners appreciate hearing about the game from a players perspective in order to weigh and balance those opinions against what is being reported by other members of the paid press.

      In this case, I appreciate the information shared between LOTRO Players and LOTRO Reporter, and believe that these types of good relationships are also beneficial to both our readers and their listeners, many of whom overlap.

      1. After thinking about it, I agree. There’s a certain benefit to being a step or two removed from the source. There’s more time and freedom to analyze, and less pressure to simply repeat.

        Plus, a fan site has a comfortable and familiar perspective this way. On the whole, I’m glad this is “LOTRO Players” and not “LOTRO Press.” 🙂

      2. You both have no idea how much I agree, nor how timely this discussion is 🙂

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