During the Weatherstock Concert Series I had the wonderful opportunity to meet one of my favourite creatures! I was trying to find my own pet Enormous Shrew. I only managed to find little lost Shrews to make friends with.
I met a dwarf in the crowd, Rhanti he was named. He was being followed by the Shrew. I asked him I could say hello to his pet. This led to a fantastic evening of Shrew dancing and celebration.
Here I am, grabbing a screen shot as a momento.
The Fidels appeared, formed a dancing ring with lantern and corn offerings.
The Great Shrew seemed to enjoy the dancing. Here he is playing the invisible drum!
Here we see the Shrew offering /clap emote.
The dancing continues over several WCS songs.
The Fidels summon their own Spotty Shrew pets.
I love the foot high kicks in this dance! I think the Shrew just wants to nibble some corn husks!
I love this shot with two of the small shews looking back at me.
Here Rhanti told me that the Shrew was a Lady Shrew. He told me how he found her in The Glittering Caves.
Poutine’s Story
So you want to hear where I found Poutine? Here it goes…
It was in the Glittering Caves of Rohan. Fighting Orcs as usual, when someone shouted spiders were actually attacking us from the east side! I found my way there, fought some Spiders, but fell against a gigantic one-of-a-kind, Spider, bigger than a house i’d say.
The fight was hard, I got injured a bit, but who wouldn’t? When it was done, I saw some cocoons moving. I knew it wasn’t spider nests…I moved to inspect then opened them. Found trapped men and found that Shrew, still energetic but eager to be saved!
Too energetic in act. I had to wait a bit to open her cocoon. Else I would have been more injured by her fear! I don’t know if it was the calm talking or that I wasn’t a Spider. When I finally opened it she came jumping into my arms!
Since then i’ve been taking care of her, and she’s been a lovely friend. She let me ride her once when I was badly injured. But she’s more a friend than a mount (And she decides who gets to saddle on!)
Here we see Poutine and Rhanti dancing to the Weatherstock Concert! A wonderful show with an amazing distraction,
Maybe one day I will find my own pet Enormous Shrew
These are the best screenshots ever!
Too cute!
Such a fun article. Great job, Lili!
My jaw dropped when I saw how BIG that thing is! Haven’t seen one of those yet in-game, but wow…. And can you actually mount it and ride it around or was that wishful thinking on Rhanti’s part..
You cannot mount the Enormous Shrew, be fun if it were possible!