Poll: Would You Pay For a Beorning Starter Zone?

Turbine has stated that there will not be a beorning starter zone but we are curious; would you pay for a beorning starter zone in addition to the class if it was reasonably priced?  Say maybe 300 TP?

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11 thoughts on “Poll: Would You Pay For a Beorning Starter Zone?”

  1. The poll choices are the same as from the Lotro Sales article. Did was not intended, was it? 🙂

  2. Sure, why not kill 2 birds with one post. I get it.
    Regarding the question, if it’s a very modest amount, like 300 TP, absolutely. It’ll probably be a a tiny area like only the Karroc (hopefully it was spelled right).
    I would be willing to pay over 1000 TP for a full starter zone and see the edge of Northern Mirkwood. It would be awesome if the first mobs you encounter are the goblins in Goblin Town. Since, you know beornings really hate goblins.

  3. I’d pay more than that. But it also depends on the class’s initial cost. I’d love to see a new/specific region for them (preferably accessible after they get out of it, at least with a reflecting pool), especially because I have done all of the current starter zones far too many times. Starting them off in front of Hollin Gate makes no sense though, and I will be very bitter about that if that’s all they do.

  4. A true starting zone, yes definitely. Not just a tutorial starter zone, but a new little land (instanced? only for Beornings?) would be great. Something to get them started on the road from level 1!

  5. I can’t bring myself to vote. If its a small area with little content or landmass, I’d be willing to pay a smaller amount. For a larger area with more content (I doubt we’ll see this), I’d pay more. If it opens up to non-Beornings, I’d be willing to pay slightly more. I mean, the game has all of us freely passing through Lothlorien. Given that precedent, I’d want all my characters to have access to this area, even if they had to earn some rep to enter, as we originally had to do in Lothlorien. And if we could earn giant cosmetic pet bees there through work (Not RNG dependent like seed boxes) I’d be willing to pay a bit more again.

  6. Now if they started the Beorning at level 1, had a starter zone contain 49 fish, and gave the character a level per fish digested, it’d work out peachy keen!

  7. I would even pay for a Beorning starting zone that was NOT reasonably priced. That would be a huge draw to get new players in and old players back.

    I think that the starter zone should be near the Carrock, and that it should take you to level 30, and that you can only leave it once you’ve reached that level.

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