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LOTRO Store Sales 06/20/14 – 06/26/14

Free Sample Of The Week

June 20th – 26th

3rd Age Item Trove x1

Use Coupon Code TROVE6 1/Account




Select Cosmetics

25% Off  195-295 146-221

Drac Says – Use Caution! NOT ALL store cosmetics are really store exclusives.. so check in game before spending TP! meh_red (Custom)

Shared Wardrobe

  25% Off 595 446

Drac Says – If you love Cosmetics, then it’s great to see these on sale Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Cosmetic Outfit Slots

25% Off 495 371

Drac Says – If you LOVE cosmetics, then you can’t get enough of these.. Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Mounted Combat Trait Specs

25% Off 695 521

Drac Says – I would not wast my TP on these.. but to each there own.. Thumbs_Down (Custom)

War-steed Cosmetic Slots

25% Off  695 521

Drac Says – If you love to match your horse to your outfit, I’m sure you want these.. meh_red (Custom)


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Save up to 30% on your entire cart!
June 20th – 22nd

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6 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales 06/20/14 – 06/26/14”

      1. This is a wonderful time to fill your wardrobe with cosmetics as well! If you have the 2,500 Turbine Points to get the 30% off, combined with the 25% discount that is already there for the cosmetics, you can get them for just under half price! 🙂 (This applies to everything else on sale as well, of course)

  1. I’ve searched every form of 3rd Age Item Trove x1 and still cannot find the free item listed !!! I have never had this problem before (applying the Coupon word TROVE6 does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

    1. I found it ok…I think i typed ‘3rd age’ havn’t used it yet as have know idea what it is…guess is a choice of a 3rd age LI?

    2. I can’t say this with any certainty, but it’s possible that the character you are browsing the in-game store with is not of high enough level to get a legendary item? The store does checks like that. Sounds silly I know — but consider this: even though you can get your Warsteed in-game at level 71-ish, you have to be level 75 before you can view or buy any warsteed cosmetics from the in-game store. Same goes for things like quest packs; if you are VIP, you cannot “see” them in the in-game store, only F2P/Premium players (who have not already purchased them) can see them and buy them. It’s possible the same applies for this item.

      Oh, and yes it does exist — I redeemed the coupon code just yesterday. Now who should open it…? 🙂

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