From June 16th-29th, the one-year VIP LOTRO subscription will be discounted by 20%.
Discounted prices:
USD: 79.99
EUR: 63.99
GBP: 71.99
In the US, this works out to be about $6.70/month, or a little less than lunch at Jimmy Johns*. The VIP subscription includes access to all quest packs (besides Expansion Packs), skirmishes, instances, PvMP monster classes, extra character slots, 500 Turbine Points per month, and more. If you’re just getting hooked…I mean starting out in LOTRO and it looks like you may be in it for the long haul, this is a very good deal. If, like me, you own most of the content already, committing to an entire year-long subscription might still be somewhat of an iffy proposition. It is probably worth noting that Turbine has stated that all updates this year (including the pending u14) will be “free” to VIP players, as opposed to in years past when expansion packs were only available via separate purchase.
Players can upgrade to VIP via

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