LOTRO Players News Episode 51: Swansplosion

This week we talk about the massive amount of news that came out this week and also our reactions to Weatherstock 2014.

Game News

Notes from Live Developer Q&A on Thursday June 12

Strategic Hobbit Incursion to Evacuate Lost Dwarves (SHIELD)

Update 14 on Bullroarer

Store Sales

Free Sample Of The Week June 13th – 19th

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  • Shared Storage
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Last Chance for Steed of Rivendell Now – June 19th

LOTRO Market Deals

LOTRO Players News

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 19: Troll Punting

LOTRO Outfits: Noldo

LOTRO Video Highlights: Still Alive

LOTRO Coursera Course returns this July

Question of the Week


What aspects of LOTRO’s F2P model do you like?

What aspects do you dislike?

What aspects of other F2P games do you think should or shouldn’t be used for LOTRO?

Overall, are you satisfied with the F2P model in LOTRO?


This week we did not receive any donations but we would love your support.

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation pagewhere you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.



This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your feedback on iTunes.

Featured Comments

Tsu left a comment on episode 50 of LOTRO Players News:

“Wow! Blown away to have contributed to your fav moment…what can I say but, well why not let Mork the Ork say it…

(The dulcet tones of Pineleaf will surely add reason to rhyme..or is that infuse confusion into the fusion of words…)

‘The ork on my fork

suffering from lag

waving a flag

not quite niftily

‘Well done on fifty!’

Going to have to start penning an epic for your 100th show…

But seriously great show as always, enjoyed listening and informative as always.

Does that mean I should be writing another neuron exploding review? Not sure, but busy at work of late but will write something in my planned next ‘Lapsang Souchong: LOTRO (and GAMING!) wrap up’…”

Zeff Zane left a comment on the episode 50 bloopers video:

“2:36 the best laugh ever!!! I’m crying!!! xDDD I laughed soo much that I had to leave office! The best vid guys!!!”


This week we did not receive any emails.

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Braxwolf @Braxwolf

Cithryth @Cithryth

Draculetta @Draculetta_72

Ethelros @Ethelros

Lilikate @LilikateBuggins

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Final Thoughts

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LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30 p.m. server time (Eastern).

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Thanks for watching!

2 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 51: Swansplosion”

  1. Awesome show…love the F2P discussion…my comments ran to 524 words so going to blog it instead…watchout for the pingback coming soon work depending!

    LOTRO F2P simply the best better than all the rest!…er too much Tina Turner…with PREMIUM a special kind of F2P adding another level to F2P.

    Yes I think TURBINE truly needs to sell LOTRO – get the great F2P model sold to potential players…that is how I came into the game, saw reviews that mention the great F2P model (ok and game had also recently won some awards…)

    Agree that a earthquake advertising coup of for example: free to lv 50 combinedwith new class, beorning would lead to a flood of fresh blood which would be great and surely lead to more revenue!

    (Still wrote too much! LOL)

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