The first round of tests for Update 14 are almost over and we want to know if you are going to purchase the update when it comes out based on what you have seen so far with Update 14.

Haven’t seen any of Update 14? Watch our preview videos of the new landscape.
I intentionaly didn’t watch your materials from Bullroer. I want to see this new part of MiddleEarth first time on my own eyes while exploring it. And yes, I will buy quest pack for sure. TP’s are already grinded
Keep in mind that since this update is multi-zoned it might be more than a normal quest pack but should still be less than expansion quest packs.
Recent expansion QPs that is.
Well, it is just one region giving content for 5 levels like Mirkwood, Eregion or Great River (which has 5 different zones btw). I see no reasons for some insane pricing
Size wise it is closer to 2/3 of Eastern Rohan. It is a really big area.
Quests are important. Not size. Eastern Rohan allows you to make 10 lvls while just questing.
Agreed. It will be interesting to see how much content is filled within the land.
I disagree. Size is definitely important to me, in order to get the full feel of being in Middle-earth(which is the whole point to me playing this game). Quests are too of course, but if they’re crammed into a tiny area, there’s less enjoyment for me.
Ethelros, we were talking about pricing. And IMO for pricing crucial is quest/instance content not area of virtual landscape. Western Gondor has 5 levels content, so it should be much cheaper then Eastern Rohan.
1) I’ll wait for it to go on sale before buying (as it is normally bound to do), because 2) that pretty much gives enough time for all the minor patches to come out that fix all the game-breaking/quest-breaking issues missed in the beta testing, and 3) to avoid the stampede that is commonly associated with new zone releases.
If it is priced between 800 and 1200 TPs, I will probably purchase right away with TPs I have on hand. If it is more than that, I will wait for it to go on sale. I saw some people estimating that it may cost as much as 2k TPs or more. If that is the case, I may re-evaluate how much I want it.