It has been a while since I’ve written anything here, the reason is beautiful summerweather, lots of music projects and many other distractions, but it does not mean that I’ve stopped playing Lotro. I am still around and try to be around on as many events as I can.
Lotro for me has never really been a typical MMO game. This is the place where I discovered a fantastic community with lots of nice people with interest in music, fantasy, Tolkien and people in same generation as me. We all love this escape and to have fun after a hard days at work. There are times I sincerly grow tired of the gameplaying (not only Lotro, but any other games to), But that does not matter in Lotro. I still have left my core interests here and also my good friends and Kin.
But at times you have to put priorities on other things in real world, but there is one thing I can’t or do not want to choose away. That is Weatherstock! I have often wondered why this event feel so real and why I am so genuinely excited!
I think a lot of the reason is that everything is so scheduled in tiny details, that again provides great proffesionality. Besides WeatherStock has all the ingredients an event should have! Relaxing atmosphere and music, moments of tension during the event, that makes it very exiting. It is fun for the bands, the audience and I think it’s pretty exciting for those who organize the event. The fact that the event is scheduled for the sixth time, shows that the community is not a dying one, and that people love to join social, immersful events still.
The event is Saturday 14th of June and would recommend everyone that are able to have a look, and I also hope people can “ignore” lag and other technical issues, because that is the backside of a large event like this. Server issues!
So on beforehand congratulation to the organizers. (Lonely Mountain bands) for giving us this event again this year!
This year the Shades will perform with nine other amazing bands. I wish everyone GOOD LUCK! So see you!
Here are some music from last year:
……….and of course a shameless plugin from the Shades: We hare 3 new original songs and we will try to present us a little different than eariler.
Ah, thanks for the great memories, Achazia. Getting excited already for this year!
I’m excited! And it was fantastic to see The Shades again for the WCS! Thank you again for playing one of my favourites “Evendim”. I never tire of that tune. It was my first exposure to The Shades, wandering thru youtube and it’s been in my bookmarks for years long before you ever attended Weatherstock.
Any word on an “air guitar” emote? You know, to go with all the dancing and clapping?
Thank you Keli. We look forward to the event!! all of us
Knowfere: Yes we played Evendim for you!
really glad you like it!
is one of my oldest songs and also awake lots of memories.
Joe: I do not know if there is any guitar emote tbh
would be nice though.