LOTRO Players News Episode 50: Ork Fork Reloaded

This week is episode 50!  We talk about the news, our favorite moments and give thanks to our fans who have helped make this show possible and will keep it going for many episodes to come.

Episodes 1-49 podcast highlights video here.

Episode 50 blooper video here.

Episodes 1-49 blooper highlights video here.

Game News

Update 14 Bullroarer Coming Soon

Server Downtime

Developer Snippets – 06/06/2014

Store Sales

Free Sample Of The Week

June 6th – 12th +5% Attack Damage (90 min) x1

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  • Stat Tomes
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LOTRO Players News

LOTRO Players Celebrates One Year!

LOTRO Outfits: Protector of the Shire

LOTRO Video Highlights: Siege of Mirkwood Launch Trailer

Weatherstock on the 14th June – All times are server time.

12.00pm Forsaken Inn – LMB Mega Band Concert

1.00pm Forsaken Inn – Mounted Procession To Weathertop. Harperella Leads!

1.20pm Weathertop – LMB Mega Band and Introductions

2.00pm Weathertop – Competing Bands Perform

4.30pm Weathertop – LMB Mega Band Closing Set (Voting)

5.00pm Weathertop – Closing Ceremonies, Mounted procession to Bree.

No LOTRO Players Adventures that week because of Weatherstock

Will stream part of it (check LOTRO Players Twitter for info)

Brax’s pick of the week: Why Multiplayer is missing from modern MMO’s by Mark Kern

Episode 50 Celebration

Podcast Facts

First episode right before CSTM 200

20th episode was the first with intro music (by Achazia)


Four hosts at the start: Pineleaf, Andang, Myst, Ethelros

Pineleaf is the only host to appear on every episode

Lilikate joins as a host on episode 2

Brax joins as a host on episode 8

Drac joins as a host on episode 13

Cithryth joins as a host on episode 47

Guests (14)








Comstrike (Fellowship Walk bid)







Favorite Moment

What is your favorite moment of LOTRO Players News? (not including poems)


A big thanks to MistahHelpful for a $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players.

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation pagewhere you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.



This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your feedback on iTunes.

Featured Comments

Gennyrose left a comment on our one year article:

“Congratulations! Thanks to everyone who helps make this site what it is. You all do a great job!”

Lhinnthel also left a comment on the article:

“Congratulations on your success! You all really cater to everyone here and I look forward to enjoying LOTRO Players for many years to come

Happy Birthday!!”

Zyngor also left a comment saying:

“Awesome pants – it has and will continue to be a blast!”

Lilikate also left a comment saying:

“Yeah, we are wonderful! Happy Birthday to Us!

Here is to another year of fantastic, varied, quality content.


Tirian left a comment on episode 48 of LOTRO Players News:

“Regarding the third of the three regions with u14, I think its going to be Morthond. Dol Amroth is inside Belafas, the southern area, and as such I think Dol Amroth will be a city map (like Bree, Edoras etc.) Morthond is also already partially in the game (check out some of the early Vol. 3 session plays to see the area around the Stone of Erech.

Also, the Oathbreakers that you referred to that we had already met (in Vol. 3) headed south from Enedwaith in one of the Book 10 interludes (the one with Saeradan and Radanir), and they may end up being the Oathbreakers that stay in the Paths of the Dead, having arrived in the Paths too late to follow Aragorn.”

Kaleigh Starshine left a comment on episode 49 of LOTRO Players News:

“*sighs* I was hoping to win a few converts to the LI System from the cast!

Wonderful show, everyone! And thank you for the kind words about my guide!

Whether you like the LI System or not, I do not think anyone would disagree that there is an incredible degree of inclusivity to it. From delving deeply within it to create the best possible item, suited to the needs of each individual, to eschewing the system all together (and every point in between those two extremes), the LI system offers choice and options, all of which are valid.

In fact, it parallels the old skill/trait system almost precisely in that way [Yep, I went there! :)]

From having the option to utilize (or not) each and every skill of your class, and the blank slate of the trait template, which you could choose to fill however you wished with next to no limitations whatsoever, we have gone to basically choosing one part in three for our class. In the case of Scouts, for instance, we can be:

– Sneaky Scout, specializing in critical hits and sneaking about.

– Gambling Scout, good at evading attacks and self healing.

– Mischievous Scout, playing tricks on our foes and providing small boons to those in our fellowships.

The reason I bring this up (again) is because of how important I feel it is that the Overlords return to systems that are more inclusive rather than exclusive, for the health and growth of the lands we all hold dear. This is an extremely critical time for these lands, I feel, and the willingness to attract more playstyles and a wider player base, and keep them, is going to be the deciding factor on how things play out in the future.”


This week we received an email from Amenhir saying:

“Lotro has always had this strange effect on me, this powerful desire to continue discovering new places.  My favorite moments are all those ones that allowed me to visit regions and landmarks that I had imagined as a teenager the first time I poured over the trilogy, and to an extent how they compared to the films.  Turbine has always done a phenomenal job of creating these virtual realizations of so many iconic locations.  The first time I saw Weathertop come into view as I rode my starter horse across the Lone lands, or when a kinmate and I, being desperately under leveled, made the overland trek to the East Wall to see the Argonath.  Those moments and many like it has made my time playing Lotro an experience I doubt I will find with any other mmo.

On a side note, I think you guys do an outstanding job and I look forward to each of your podcasts.  Keep of the good work and congratulations on your 50th episode.


We also received an email from Andang saying:


Thank you for being the host of the show this year and being an epic poem reader.  So epic in fact that I have made a secret link to a poem for you to read on the show.

Looking forward to it,


secret link

Contact Us

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Follow us on Twitter!

LOTRO Players @LOTROPlayers

Andang @PvMP_Andang

Braxwolf @Braxwolf

Cithryth @Cithryth

Draculetta @Draculetta_72

Ethelros @Ethelros

Lilikate @LilikateBuggins

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Follow Our Guests

Layanor @Layanor

Roger @ModeratePeril

Spridra @Nothing

Whiteberry @toarda

Final Thoughts

Join us LIVE!

LOTRO Players Adventures goes LIVE every Saturday at 5 p.m. server time.

LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30 p.m. server time (Eastern).

You can join us by going to lotroplayers.com/live.  Be sure to join us in the YouTube chat!

Thanks for watching!

2 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 50: Ork Fork Reloaded”

  1. Wow! Blown away to have contributed to your fav moment…what can I say but, well why not let Mork the Ork say it…

    (The dulcet tones of Pineleaf will surely add reason to rhyme..or is that infuse confusion into the fusion of words…)

    ‘The ork on my fork
    suffering from lag
    waving a flag
    not quite niftily
    ‘Well done on fifty!’

    Going to have to start penning an epic for your 100th show…

    But seriously great show as always, enjoyed listening and informative as always.

    Does that mean I should be writing another neuron exploding review? Not sure, but busy at work of late but will write something in my planned next ‘Lapsang Souchong: LOTRO (and GAMING!) wrap up’…

    And if Whiteberry wants to try the Danish version of part 2 she is more than welcome:

    ‘Det var en usikker ork, ikke en lugtende ork.
    Ife, ikke Mindy, er hustru til Mork den ork.
    Sammen de nåede til kniv og gaffel,
    At spise bife og svinekød!
    Overrasket og stukket af Bjork, med en gaffel!
    Uncorked, livet taget i et snuptag …
    Bjork kunne være en ork … hvis en lille en!

    (Apologies my written Danish was never that good so good old Google translate was utilized!)

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