I have been following with some interest LOTRO’s Facebook Screen Shot Competition.
I have enjoyed submitting my entries, almost as much as I have taken pleasure in viewing the entries of others.
I have also been keeping a catalogue of my entered shots on my own site if any reader wishes to take a look.
I do feel a few things could be improved to make entering shots smoother. A clear knowledge of when to expect the opening and closing of the submitting periods. An improved clarification process of when a shot is submitted successfully.
I also have wondered if screen shots taken with lower quality graphics are given the same consideration as those taken with the best possible settings.
Here are the winning shots for the 7th Anniversary Week:
Taking a break from travelling and hunting around Middle Earth to indulge in Bree-Town festivities.
Loving my new Steed of Odogil!
Kissare and Rannie visit the fireworks to celebrate! Beauty all around!
Here is a Hobbit having fun at the festival about to have a drink, with nice fireworks shooting off in the back ground.
Winning Screen Shots for the week of the 19th May:
The Battle of Durins Bane! Where fire and frost unites the sky in a blaze and frost!
Troubled Dreams. For some reason the name “Arthur” is ringing in my ears, but that’s not right…
The Shire.
Moving as shadows within shadows.
A nice screenie of Isengard, pre-corruption!
Logged back into the game in Rivendell, found this perfect scene.