LOTRO Players News Episode 49: Magma Sméagol

This week we are joined by Pash from An Unexpected Vidcast to talk about the news in LOTRO and Turbine’s future plans for LOTRO beyond Mordor.

Blooper video here.

Game News

Take the Dwarf Through Moria Announced (note: Eldar won Hobbits to Isengard)

Rowan forum posts –

1 “We’ve primarily focused on the Scouring of the Shire and Minas Morgul as post-Mordor plot points. There are a lot of options.”

2 “Latest discussions for PvMP have centered around Osgiliath. It’s too far out to make predictions.”

Store Sales

Free Sample Of The Week May 30th – June 5th

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Expansions & Expansion Quests

Skirmishes & Instances

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Token of the Hornburg

Mark Acquisition Boosts

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LOTRO Players News

CSTM’s 2014 Spring Festival Guide

Spring Festival Updated Map

2014 Weatherstock Bands Announced

Turbine, Middle-Earth Enterprises and the Tolkien Estate

‘Legendary’ Items – Tips, Tricks, and a Guide to the ‘Grind’

LOTROCast Episode 64

Follow Me! (A Guide to LOTRO’s Follow Mechanics)

LOTRO Outfits: Dwarf of the Iron Hills

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 17: They Are Huge!

LOTRO Video Highlights: Riders of Rohan Tribute

Episode 50 on June 7th

Question of the Week


Have you ever deleted a character (What level, What class and Why)?

Have you ever used / would you ever use the ‘Undelete’ character option?

Community Answers

Ranni  From The Flaming Bard Blog replied:

Deleted a lvl 58 elven mini because she died a lot. And I hate elves. Would not “undelete” her. She deserved to die.

Roger Edwards From Contains Moderate Peril:

Yes. A level 59 Hunter. Because I realised Mirkwood was coming up next..

(Follow Up Answer) Only if I was using your credit card


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Final Thoughts

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5 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 49: Magma Sméagol”

  1. *sighs* I was hoping to win a few converts to the LI System from the cast! 🙂

    Wonderful show, everyone! And thank you for the kind words about my guide!

    Whether you like the LI System or not, I do not think anyone would disagree that there is an incredible degree of inclusivity to it. From delving deeply within it to create the best possible item, suited to the needs of each individual, to eschewing the system all together (and every point in between those two extremes), the LI system offers choice and options, all of which are valid.

    In fact, it parallels the old skill/trait system almost precisely in that way [Yep, I went there! :)]

    From having the option to utilize (or not) each and every skill of your class, and the blank slate of the trait template, which you could choose to fill however you wished with next to no limitations whatsoever, we have gone to basically choosing one part in three for our class. In the case of Scouts, for instance, we can be:

    – Sneaky Scout, specializing in critical hits and sneaking about.

    – Gambling Scout, good at evading attacks and self healing.

    – Mischievous Scout, playing tricks on our foes and providing small boons to those in our fellowships.

    The reason I bring this up (again) is because of how important I feel it is that the Overlords return to systems that are more inclusive rather than exclusive, for the health and growth of the lands we all hold dear. This is an extremely critical time for these lands, I feel, and the willingness to attract more playstyles and a wider player base, and keep them, is going to be the deciding factor on how things play out in the future.

    1. I used to really like the system but after having to rebuild my item every expansion and major update has really taken out all the fun. If they kept everything the same and just changed it to where you only need 3 LIs (one for each slot + Warsteed LI) instead of 10+ so far and more to come, then I would love the system.

      Right now my LI’s don’t feel special. My normal weapon on my second hand feels more special because I replace it less than my LI. The drop rate is completely ridiculous for LIs. They are legendary weapons. There should only be a few a person runs across in their lifetime and that is a generous estimate.

      At the least, they should cut the spawn rate of LIs by a minimum of 4 and a max of all but one very special weapon that I actually care about, much like my Warsteed.

      I am not asking for a new system, just a limit on the LIs to 3 or maybe 9 for second and first agers and make the minor changes in the system to make it work.

      1. Oh, I completely agree about the basic premise of the system. It is jarring to immersion, finding and breaking down scores of legendary weapons and such. If they had done something different, like having us granted legendary items from the vaults of the wise and powerful for the purpose of serving the Free Peoples instead. And then, instead of ‘finding’ legendary items, we find lore or something, anything, that would make more sense with regard to granting those items further power.

        It is amazing, and a good lesson maybe, to realize how important it is give thought to how you present a system, as well as making the system itself robust. What a shame that many who might find they enjoy it are turned away by its ‘dressing’, in a sense. And, by that, I mean the shame is on the Overlords, rather than those turned away by it.

        There is to be some new sort of armor or item we wear that will be customizable I hear. It will be interesting to see what is done with that! 🙂

  2. Comments are so good replying before listening: 🙂

    LI’s as a tool to an end I can see they do enable choice and flexibility…

    LI’s as legendary weapons failed and should be fixed…

    The hint of a new customizable item is exciting…more please…

    Now onto the show 🙂

  3. I think people get hung up on the word “Legendary”. In truth, they are “customizable” items. Use it, ignore it, destroy it, craft a new one, trick it out, or not. You don’t *have* to grind for a new LI every single time the level cap increases. You can choose to do so if you have a specific goal in mind (i.e., “I want to have the best possible weapon in the game for my class, because _____” — fill in the blank). As Kaleigh pointed out, many players are quite content with a 3rd Age LI. Or you can choose not to use one at all, maybe craft yourself a nice weapon? Or dual-wield frying pans if that’s your thing. 🙂 Could the system be better? Sure. Is the LI system “fun”? Well, to answer a question with a question: Are racial skills “fun”? Are Virtues “fun”? In my opinion, these are all ways to customize your character. You are given a range of options, and you can choose to use them, or not. Your decision to use these is part of how you choose to experience the game. Some players are content to RP a low level character living out life in the Shire, some players are all about the Moors, some players really like festivals and cosmetics, some players strive to have one of each class at level cap, or have one of each crafting profession with full Guild Rep, or collect all the horses, or reach level-cap without killing a single mob, or raid, or become a Skirmisher of Middle Earth. All of these are valid ways to enjoy LOTRO.

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