LOTRO Video Highlights: Riders of Rohan Tribute

This week’s highlight takes the live action Rohan trailer and actually makes it great by putting wonderful music to the scene.  “Riders of Rohan LOTRO tribute by Lonely Mountain Band” was released in 2012 on Lonely Mountain Band’s YouTube channel.

Do you know of a good LOTRO video and want it to be featured in this series? Send an email to lotroplayers.mymiddleearth@gmail.com with a link to the video and it might end up in a future article.

3 thoughts on “LOTRO Video Highlights: Riders of Rohan Tribute”

  1. While playing I realized these are the four riders we encounter throughout Eastern Rohan. I hadn’t pieced it together until watching it again last year. Nice that they connected the live action video to their amazing lotro story.

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