On today’s Take the Hobbits to Isengard live stream on Windfola, Sapience made an announcement about his next streaming plans. Next he will be taking on the challenge of Moria as a dwarf and will be relying on the servers to guide him from the Doors of Durin to the Gates of Caras Galadhon. While Isengard’s challenges were threat generation and length of time, the Moria run’s challenge will lie in the twisty and perilous nature of the path in Moria. There are many places where the path runs along the edge of a cliff. As Sapience said in the stream, “The Dead Hobbit Society will definitely grow… exponentially!”
Since you need to complete the start of Volume II of the epic story to get into Moria, Sapience is going to be utilizing the Gift of the Valar to auto-level his dwarves to level 50 and gain entrance to Moria. Apparently when this possibility was discussed on a previous stream people said that they wished they could get the Gift as well to participate in the event. Sapience decided this was a good idea and starting tomorrow (Thursday, May 29th), the Gift of the Valar will be back in the LOTRO Store… and it will be 25% off! Additionally the Moria quest pack will be available at 20% off. These sales last for the next week until Thursday June 6th.
Sapience has also requested that a better acronym be suggested for this new Moria run. Let him know your ideas on twitter!
Hm, interesting. I’d say the biggest challenge with Isengard wasn’t threat/time, but the absurd amount of lag, at least on populated servers. If it’s similarly bad in Moria, there will be a lot of dead players too, not just dead hobbit.
I thought the point of these community events was that anyone could participate. I’m trying not to be cynical, but having a sale so anyone can participate for $37.50 instead of $50.00 is leaving a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.
I don’t think it’s wrong to reintroduce this item or have it on sale, it just seems a little tacky to advertise it in conjunction with these events.
There is enough time to play through to level 50…and still join in.
Personally, I found it more enjoyable to just be on the Twitch channel and watching the runs, rather than being involved in a live one. I will admit that I was only able to make it to one physical TTHTI run, so I don’t have a wide scope of experiencing 29 runs (+1).
I could also be biased since I’ve been watching Twitch for a couple years or so. I enjoy the general community (at least those watching the streams) pooling together on a live chat channel, and having a staff members present that is taking questions is pretty sweet. The way I see it, the whole casual competition and runs are only a scoop of ice cream on this communication cone – and the other scoop tastes all that much better.
Anywho, I see what you’re saying, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and take it the Kevin Costner way… “if you offer it, will they buy?”
I was curious how long this would take, so I tried it out. With Find the Path tweaked out to 31%, I was able to make it from the Doors of Durin to the Gates of Caras Galadhon in under 20 minutes. Granted, I was lvl 71 so the mobs were grey for me, but I would expect that a fully armed group should be able to make it in a comparable amount of time.