SRC – Sign Up Now for Lilikate’s Race Events. GP and TP Prizes to be won!

Welcome To My First Race Event!


The Event:

“Smell the Roses” Shire Sprint and “Smell the Roses” War-Steed Sprint are just two events in the Spring Racing Carnival which is hosted by Windy Acres Ranch.

Full schedule here:

I have decided to call my races “Smell the Roses” to make it clear that all speed buffs, traits, and skills are required to be toggled off for these races.

Let’s run a clean and honest race.  An unfair race is no fun at all!


Smell The Roses Shire Sprint.

On Saturday 17th May at 10.00am (Server Time) I will be holding the first race. I will begin the race at 10.30 am.

This race is for riders on normal horses or ponies. Horses that run at +62% normal mount speed.

Link to Horses Wiki 

You can sign up (From the 10th May) for one of the 19 places on this race by sending an “in game” letter to Lilikate on Landroval.

State your name, your mounts name and breed. The name of the race you wish to be entered for. In this case it would be for the “Smell the Roses Shire Sprint”.

I will confirm by letter if you have a place, or if all the places have been taken.

You can also sign up for this race on the day of the event, by sending Lilikate a /tell. However I expect these races to be very popular so it would be better to apply early.

 Smell The Roses War-Steed Sprint.

Also on Saturday 17th May at 11.00am (Server Time)

I will be hosting a second race. “Smell the Roses War-Steed Sprint”. This race will begin at 11.20am (ST).

Another 19 riders are invited to race their War-Steeds on the same route as the earlier race.

You can sign up to this race using the same methods as mentioned earlier. Please state clearly which race you are applying for.


If there are more entries than places I will select riders on a first come – first served basis. I will also choose for the second Sprint racers who had not participated in the first race.

If there are remaining places in either race on the morning on the 17th May I will advertise for more riders.

There is no entry fee to apply for The Shire Sprints.

Music will be provided by the famous Dwarrowdelf Band: A Rock and A Hard Place!

Winners will be judged by myself, Lilikate, and my team of race judges. We withhold the right to use our discretion to decide in a fair and just manner who the winning three riders are.



Smell The Roses Shire Sprint:

3rd Place: 5 Gold Coins, 500 Turbine Points.

2nd Place: 10 Gold Coins, 500 Turbine Points.

1st Place: 15 Gold Coins, 1000 Turbine Points.


Smell The Roses War-Steed Sprint:

3rd Place: 5 Gold Coins, 500 Turbine Points.

2nd Place: 10 Gold Coins, 500 Turbine Points.

1st Place: 15 Gold Coins, 1000 Turbine Points.



Bree Championship Cup:

The First three riders across the finish line in both Sprints will be invited to race in the prestigious Bree Cup! You could go forward and win more great prizes not to mention bragging rights for a whole year!



Horse Race Rules:

  • Riders must register to participate in the race. Registration closes 25 minutes before the event begins.
  • Registrations are accepted at the race host’s discretion. Players who have been barred from races for unsportsmanlike behavior may not register.
  • Riders must be at the start location at least 20 minutes before the race begins. Participants who pre-registered must check in at least 25 minutes before race time.
  • If a registered rider is late for the pre-race ride of the course, they will not be allowed to enter the competition.
  • Riders must join a raid fellowship with the judges and remain in it until the race results are announced.
  • Only +62% horses and ponies will be allowed.
  • For the War-Steed race, only War-Steeds will be allowed to race.
  • No mount speed enhancers will be permitted. All buffs (temporary ability enhancements) must be cancelled before the race begins.
  • Riders must only use their horse for transportation. Stables, milestones, wayfaring, camps, rally points, acorns, mustering horns, summons and all other non-mount forms of travel are forbidden. No Porting!
  • Spamming fellow riders, giving a false start signal, having allies ride in the wrong direction to mislead riders, and all other forms of unsportsmanlike behavior will result in disqualification.
  • Riders must clear all checkpoints in the proper direction and order. Course judges are the final authority in determining if a checkpoint has been properly cleared. A decision can be appealed if screenshots or video can be presented immediately after the race.
  • Failure to clear all the check points in the right order and method will cause a rider to be disqualified.
  • If a rider falls from his horse, he may mount up again and continue the race. He will not be disqualified for swimming if he is dismounted at a water crossing.
  • The winner will be determined by the first rider to cross the finish line, not the first mount.


The Race Course:

Our Sprints begin and end in Michel Delving.

The checkpoints are: Michel Delving > Needlehole > Scary > Woodhall > Hobbiton > Michel Delving.

(All images when clicked will open in a new window)

Michel Delving:

(Start and Finish Lines)

Race starting line from one lamp post to the other. Riders must line up between the posts. The yellow arrow indicated the direction of travel.


The check point is the line crossed between these two lamp-posts located near the stable master in Needlehole. Enter the walled area through the gap between the lamp posts. Exit the area by riding behind Ulfar and down the embankment.


Enter scary and ride around the huge rock in a clockwise direction.


You must race through Woodhall to gain the next checkpoint. This is between two lamp-posts in the middle of the village.

Make sure you run through the middle of these posts so the race judge can collect evidence of your passing.


Riders can choose the fastest route from Woodhall to Hobbiton. However you must run this chackpoint from east to west, as if your racing from Bywater to Michel Delving.

The checkpoint is gained when approaching Hobbiton from Bywater to the east. You must ride between the sign post and the milestone.

The Finish!

Michel Delving, the same two lamp posts as the start of the race.

The judging staff require all riders run between the posts to officially complete the course.

Here is the course mapped. The path is a suggestion. It is up to each competitor to find the fastest route through the points.

To Conclude:

Saturday 17th May. (All Times EDT)

9.30am – Riders begin to assemble in Michel Delving.

10.00am – Gathering of Riders into Judges Raid.

10.10am – Rules and Pre-Race Circuit.

10.30am – First Race begins.

10.50am – Prize Giving and Screen Shots.

11.00am – War-Steeds Assemble for second race.

11.00am – Gathering into judges raid all competing riders.

11.05am – Rules and Pre-Race Circuit.

11.20am – War-Steed Race Begins.

11.40am – Prize Giving and Screen Shots.

These two races are just a small part of the Spring Racing Carnival. From 12pm to 10pm there are more Steed related events planned on Landroval by Windy Acres Ranch.

Including the Bree Championship Cup at 8.00pm

1 thought on “SRC – Sign Up Now for Lilikate’s Race Events. GP and TP Prizes to be won!”

  1. Not sure I can make it as a rider or spectator, but it sounds like a nice event with some very generous prizes!

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