Lilikate’s Creatures – Special Episode: Eagles!


A very special episode today to celebrate the most amazing creatures in Middle Earth.

I could not believe my eyes when I saw this huge creature! I thought it was a statue at first carved in the image of a Great Eagle.

After a few moments I saw it move! Then it spoke to me… I was so overcome with joy I could not stop cheering.

I thought I was there to meet a Ranger from the North. It turned out that like the rangers, this Lord of Birds had a task for me.

I was asked if I could help with the problem of Orcs and Spiders in the area… I had already dispatched several so it was really easy for me to take care of a few more.

I returned with good news, I had cleared many enemies! I was only too glad to have any reason to talk to Lord Landroval.

One quest always leads to another, this time I had to face an enormous Spider Queen to save… Another EAGLE! The Spider was amazing too but it made the mistake of trying to eat me. Tut Tut.

I killed the big spider and promptly fell in love with Lord Meneldor.. Two Eagles! Two Eagles! The day just cannot get any better!

At that moment the Eagle Meneldor offers me a port! Oh my for all the pie and crumpets that were ever baked in The Shire, this is a day to remember!

I’m gonna ride on an Eagle!


The only way to travel in Middle-Earth.

No one will ever believe this tale back home. I was happy with a single Eagle and now there are two!

The Eagles thank me for my help! I just gawp at them with a big grin on my face.

Wow! What a title! This day cannot get any better.

These are MY friends! That’s Lord Landroval with the lighter dappling on his feathers, and Lord Meneldor has a russet brown plumage.

I didn’t want to leave but there was a note (how ever it got there) with a call for help back at Stangard. Goodbye! I hope I get to see these majestic creatures again!

5 thoughts on “Lilikate’s Creatures – Special Episode: Eagles!”

  1. How wonderful Lilikate! I’m so glad you shared these beautiful photos with us. This was also one of my favorite quests and areas of the world!

  2. Great shots! I too quite enjoyed that bit of the story there, and it’s always awesome to see some well-known lore characters interwoven with regular zone content like this.

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