LOTRO Players News Episode 45: Fun Bugs

This week we are honored to have Harper on the show to talk about being on the players council and various events in LOTRO.

Blooper video here.

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Update 13.1 Bullroarer Release Notes

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LOTRO Players News

The Braxclan Episode 9

Screenshot of the Week April 14th and 21st

LOTRO Video Highlights: A Mad World

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 13: Down Down to Goblin Town

Brax’s pick of the week: No Purpose, No Nothing by Syl at MMO Gypsy

Question of the Week


Should ‘fun’ bugs be fixed?(Moonbows in Eregion, overly-attached fog in Forochel)

Should it be considered acceptable for these kinds of bugs to arise to begin with?

Community Answers

GeekSprinkles – The Foro fog bug was NOT fun, and it’s pretty sad if it’s still there after all these years.

Ranni – True. BUT! The Bree housing neighborhood looks cool with the fog bug. Halloweenish but neat.

cableknitdragon – But the ForoFog bug makes for really spooky screencaps in Bree at night! 🙂

ClarystaInSun – no, fix the gameplay bugs instead.

Laerelwen – Agreed! We needs bugs like the fellowship music bug fixed, not our fun bugs!

Hwn_Brian – They should, but not before more important ones are. If your car’s stereo and brakes are broken, should you fix your stereo?

LOTROHerebrand – I like the fog. There should be a lot more fog.


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This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your feedback on iTunes.

Featured Comments

Cithryth left a comment on the Update 13.1 Bullroarer Notes:

“I’m definitely interested in seeing what kinds of “friendly little creatures” end up being cosmetic pets. Will they be similar/the same as LM pets? Or different so the LMs don’t feel like they’re no longer special? Should be very interesting to see how it pans out.”

Amenhir left a comment on Update 13.1 Bullroarer Notes:

“I have to say the amount of changes for the champ this time around are impressive. Kudos to Jinjaah for coming through for us beleaguered champions!”


This week we did not receive any emails.

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Final Thoughts

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4 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 45: Fun Bugs”

  1. Hugebag does still have one feature I like; the ability to see what is in your vault, as well as all your other characters’ vaults and bags. If LOTRO could add that as well, I would be a happy hobbit!

    1. I currently use TitanBar (which is by the same programmer as HugeBag). TitanBar includes vault and alt bag examination features, so I don’t need hugeBag to use those features.

  2. Harper’s comments about how often PvMP was talked about on the Player Council forums is pretty accurate, I feel. That and raids. I think it was a big part of why I didn’t contribute quite as much as I could have.

  3. The Draigoch bug is a problem. Yes, it’s an older raid, and I won’t claim to be a big-time raider, but it has been broken for a long time from what I understand. Over the last few months I have taken part in several Draigoch runs, and he has bugged out each time (not counting the times we all died horribly in dragon fire :-p). As humorous as it is to emote at an immobile dragon, it would be nice if the beast would stick around for the whole fight! Based on the TtHTI Q&A, Sapience has said they do not plan on scaling many older instances, or at least not right now. Oh well. 🙁

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