Update 13.1 Bullroarer Release Notes

One of the interim patches between the major updates of 13 and 14 is currently on Bullroarer, complete with a fresh new installer! There are a decent amount of changes with this patch, including making the new cosmetic pets client side only, an ‘auto fellow’ option numerous changes to the Champion class and a sort function to the inventory system. Shown below are the bigger news pieces, but be sure to check out the link for the full list!

Of Special Note

Bullroarer Client Installer!


Cosmetic Pets!

The miniature huorns of Fangorn have banded together and decided to make themselves stand out a bit more from the less friendly creatures running around Middle-earth.Not to be outdone, other friendly creatures of Middle-earth are considering joining the huorns in their quest for standing out as player friends.This new union of “Cosmetic Pets” will allow players to show off their newfound companions in a few new ways. These shy creatures will exist purely on each person’s client meaning that there is a configurable option you can use to turn off the display of all other players’ cosmetic pets if you are experiencing graphical performance problems. These pets will follow you around to the best of their ability including matching your speed as you mount up and ride off into the sunset. Other features are being worked on for this cosmetic pet system but for 13.1 you can get a quick taste of what we have planned.

A couple FAQs:


  • Lore-master non-combat pets will not be affected with the current design. If there is feedback against this being the case let us know, Lore-masters!
  • While there is currently no UI for renaming your cosmetic pets, you can expect to see one in a future update. In the meantime, you can rename these pets via a player command (/cpet rename NAMEHERE).
  • As client-side critters, these cosmetic pets cannot be selected by clicking on them as you would a monster.
  • These cosmetic pets can be used alongside any of your combat pets (or alongside the Lore-masters’ non-combat companions that can take the place of their combat pets).
  • The 3 Fangorn huorn pets are not alone in their use of this new system! Keep your eyes peeled for ways to earn new special little cosmetic friends to follow you around Middle-earth.


Epic Book Volume 3 Book 4

  • Adjusted the layer issues when leaving the Gate-house in Isengard. If you have succumbed to this layer issue (and you’ll know you have if you can’t find Morflak where he should be), use the Reminder of Captivity to return to the Isengard Depths and get yourself on the right layer again. Then you’ll want to proceed through the quest again, and leaving the Gate-house should function correctly, at which point Morflak will have returned to his customary spot. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  • Fixed the spawning for the Key-master in III.4.26.

7 thoughts on “Update 13.1 Bullroarer Release Notes”

  1. I have to say the amount of changes for the champ this time around are impressive. Kudos to Jinjaah for coming through for us beleaguered champions!

  2. I’m definitely interested in seeing what kinds of “friendly little creatures” end up being cosmetic pets. Will they be similar/the same as LM pets? Or different so the LMs don’t feel like they’re no longer special? Should be very interesting to see how it pans out.

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