Until I started roleplaying, I wasn’t really interested in Bree-town. I mean sure, it was a handy location because of its centrality in Eriador and the services it offered, but it wasn’t terribly exciting to me. But once I started roleplaying I became fascinated with the lives of the everyday sort of people in Bree. I don’t roleplay anymore, but my favorite character to roleplay with was my hunter, Sagewood, who was originally created solely to RP with. She’s on the cynical side and doesn’t trust outsiders, especially Elves since they come through Bree so infrequently. I noticed that the outfits that various guardsmen wear around Bree-town have variations, so I thought it would be interesting to make my own variation too. I opted to use more leather/cloth type items than any chain-mail to make her stand out as a hunter or archer.
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