LOTRO Outfits: Dwarf of the Blue Mountains

My husband and I made new dwarf characters this past weekend – mine is a Rune-keeper named Sithi (I could go into the various layers of cleverness with that name but I won’t) and his is a Champion named Navrin. The purpose is to help him re-learn the game he has barely logged into in the past two or three years. But this meant that I needed to make new outfits! I’ve always had trouble outfiting dwarves because of their proportions and the way armour and cosmetics tend to distort weirdly on them. This is the first step in trying to make good looking dwarf outfits. Let me know if I have succeeded! (Although I do think the hat sits too high up on her forehead…)

If you’re interested in more videos from me, check out my YouTube Channel!

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