This week we prepare for Update 13 giving our thoughts on the features to come.
Blooper video here.
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LOTRO Players News
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LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 10: Fun With Issues
LOTRO Academy: 92 – Regarding Bullroarer
A Hoarwell Horror Story – By Skoch
Question of the Week
What do you think of the upcoming changes/additions with Update 13?*
What are you most/least looking forward to?
What do you think about the new testing/updating process on Bullroarer?
Do you think it has helped make the update more polished?
Do you feel this coming update is going to be worth the wait?
This week we did not receive any donations but would love your support!
To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site. We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.
This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your feedback on iTunes.
Featured Comments
Eric left a YouTube comment on episode 41 of LOTRO Players News:
“Shelob raid!!!! How cool would that be? 12 man vs. giant spiders and other nasties… orcs and uruks in a tower… man, sounds like roots of fangorn actually… but in a creepy cave.”
Sullo sent in an email saying:
“Hullo LOTRO Players!
After listening to LOTRO Players News Episode 41, I got the impression that Andang was really excited about Update 13, and the new class, but not so very excited about Erebrandir’s Horseshoe. I understand his frustration — Turbine does tease us an awful lot about that pocket item. However, Sapience has said many times that it does do *something* and for my part I think he’s right. In fact, I have found proof!
The other day I saw a player running around in nothing less than a complete set of Horseshoe armour! Not only that, but he was dual-wielding Legendary horseshoes, and using a horseshoe as a boomerang for ranged attacks. For miles around you could hear him, defeating foes on the plains of Rohan, a veritable whirlwind of horseshoe destruction!
You know what they say, “pics or it didn’t happen”. Well, I just so happened to have snapped a screenshot of this mighty warrior, and I submit it for your review.
Your friend and loyal listener,
Sullo of Landroval
-PS, it’s “Sullo”, not “Sulo”. Rhymes with “hullo!” :)”
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Mysteri @Mysterixox
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Final Thoughts
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Thanks for watching!
Firstly great show. U13 here and I am working
2 ideas for poems…evil laugh…which reminds me no Drac counting…”Forty-two…ha ha ha ha!”
No mention of the importance of the number 42…it is THE answer!
I can post a review on I-tunes…or will that just scare people away!
Being an active CASUAL player. I look forward to the Podcast when I Can as it has replaced (CSTM) while not having CSTM’s Adorkable charm I have found it has it’s own charm which has grown on me. It however has left me in DEEP THOUGHT as to what is possible in LOTRO. and this latest episode has given me an ANSWER to MY ULTIMATE QUESTION.
I’ve been swamped in RL, but I finally got around to listening to this episode.
Andang, you totally ran right past me outside of Snowbourn a few weeks back. I snagged a screenshot, as I often do in LOTRO. Then when I was listening to ep41 I thought — oh man, this would be hilarious. Glad you all liked my little joke.
Thanks for sending it in to the show! We appreciated it!