LOTRO Outfits: Archer of Mirkwood

This outfit idea was suggested to me by Eryniell on the official LOTRO forums. She wanted me to make an outfit using the Leggings of the Shadow-walker for her female elf hunter. The leggings are almost entirely black with a little bit of silver/grey detailing. The trick was to find other items that also had dark undertones or could be dyed dark. I settled on a mix of dark browns, greys and blacks to match with the color scheme in Mirkwood. If you have an outfit piece or theme challenge you’d like to see me try, let me know in the comments!

If you’re interested in more videos from me, check out my YouTube Channel!

7 thoughts on “LOTRO Outfits: Archer of Mirkwood”

  1. I appreciate the effort, I really do… and this sounds really horrible, I really know it does…. but that video quality is horrible. I would much rather see high res photos of the outfits instead of poor grainy video. Please keep up the good work but loose the video. Thanks!

    1. I’m not sure what the heck happened to this video. The first two LOTRO Outfits videos (that I made the exact same way as this video) play in 1080 HD without issue but for some reason it seems YouTube has muddled this one up 🙁

  2. I like the headgear..

    Sometimes issues happen with video and audio quality, I hope you don’t fret over it.

    I would have liked to have seen this outfit with a Mirkier backdrop. See how the colours blend into the shadows, probably a little too well 🙂 Which is why your shooting in better light.

    Any hobbit outfits on the horizon?

    1. Haha, yeah originally thought of filming in Mirkwood, but it’s a bit too dark… and my elven hunter is only level 8, so I don’t think she’d have a very good time over there.

      Next outfit will be a hobbit outfit actually!

  3. Did you re-post the video? It looks fine now. Like the colors and the descriptions. Enjoy all the info on the channel too!

    1. No, I didn’t re-upload it. Although after talking to some other YouTubers it seems that this past week a lot of videos were auto-playing at the lowest possible quality rather than the higher qualities they were uploaded as.

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