Well there’s a great deal of things announced with this Letter, far more than I think anyone expected. Not only do we get information on the new class, but we also get details of future content for this year and the next. I’ll list the important stuff below in bullet points, but be sure to check out the full article!
- Update 14 will contain the Paths of The Dead and Dol Amroth, as well as a 5 level cap increase
- Next we will recieve the Dead Marshes as an ‘in between updates’ release
- Update 15 will contain the Gondorian city of Pelargir, featuring the battles against the Corsairs of Umbar(yaaaaaar!) and another 5 level cap increase
- This content will all be free to VIPs
- The new class will be the Beorning, a light armour caster class with the potential to transform into a bear
- The Housing update referenced numerous times has been put on an indefinite hiatus
- Kinships will get a social ‘crafting system’ encouraging co-operation
- Combat will continue to be rebalanced
- Siege mechanics will arrive in the Ettenmoors
- Epic Battles will recieve more tweaking and fine-tuning, including a new Battle sometime this year
- Hobnanigans will return!
- Osgiliath!
- Pelenn0r Fields and Minas Tirith!
- More exclamation marks!!!
I’m sure there’s a ton of things to be thinking after this series of bombshells, so be sure to let us know what you think!
Beorning?? It is rather race of man, not a class…
Beorning Really??? Really??? Ugh
And not get all nit picky, but that’s a RACE not a class…
But YA! for Paths Of The Dead.. Of course! and Level Cap Increase! Of course as I”m a light/Medium class’s I’ll be dying left and right now….
Long comment page (just my browser!)
WOw I am in shock…COMMUNICATION…much more than expected…this the same game company?
Bears ok lets swallow the furry pill (RK, Warden and now shapeshifter haters!)
Housing…big disappointment…think a lot of players would be REAL happy for a change!
Lv100 without new purchase…Oh WOW was not expecting that!
Keep the information flowing…
Even a third stage Guild Navigator from Kaitain knows that, “The info must flow…”
I would like to point out that I *totally* called Beornings. Totally. That said, I am not sure if I care to play one. But anyway. I’m still trying to level original classes!
Looks like a lot of things coming this year! I guess I should keep saving my TP…
So. Majorly. Disappointed.
No housing updates. I can’t even say anymore about it. I’ve commented here and there, and I’m just wasting bits of the internet with my cries.
Well not bad, but housing update indefinetely postponed is just sad, although honestly not that unexpected.
At this point i’d say i’ll believe things when i see them.
Well, it’s not like two years ago they literally promised a comprehensive housing update by the end of that year — oh, wait. That’s right. They did. So now, it’s on “indefinite hiatus”. Well, LOTRO, so is my membership — on hiatus until you finally update your pathetic housing and make it worthwhile. Like so many others — RIFT, EQ2, Wildstar, hell some anime-esque titles even have better housing than LOTRO’s stupid hook system.
For me, LOTRO is dead, until housing is finally realised (I have always wanted to freely “do up” a hobbit hole, and now I guess I have to wait until someone finally makes a good LOTR MMO that embraces that side of things). Sad.
And nobody is wondering about end-game instances? The last instance cluster was Orthanc at level 75, ad now we’re up to 100 and still no new end-game instances? I know Sapience says raiding is only a small percentage of players but when Mr. Campbell is looking at his charts and spreadsheets are we totally invisible?