Hello Everyone,
Only one day to go before the big Spring Concert.
I would like to take a moment and introduce you all to the largest section of the Orchestra, The Strings.
In a normal Starlight Orchestra performace we have three Lutes, three Harps and three Theorbo’s. Although for special arrangements we do switch things up and change things around.
The leader of The String Section is Brenthiel, who is also the leader of the Lute Section.
Sonca is the leader of the Harp Section and her 2nd is Larkfeather.
The leader of the Theorbo Section is Louellana. I am so happy to have Louellana with us all the way from Estel. She is one among many musicians who have traveled across server to play music with the TSO.
I hope to see many LOTRO Players at our concert tomorrow!
Please come along and support our musical event.
Hope the concert went well. I was out singing, but will try to get to the next one