Where’s Tinki? – The Prancing Pony.

Where’s Tinki? – The Prancing Pony. post thumbnail image

Hey Tinki Spotters!

You all did so well last week, spotting Tinki in Hobbiton.

Easy – Standing in front of the tree trunk.

Medium – In the trees on the roof of the Inn

A Challenge! – Tinki was waving from the front step of the Mill.

This week another well loved location: The Prancing Pony.

Where’s Tinki?






The Challenge


Please think of others and refrain from posting the answers in the comments 🙂

See you next week!

7 thoughts on “Where’s Tinki? – The Prancing Pony.”

  1. This week I actually found all 3. Last week I could only get the easy one 🙁

    But I think you should always post a picture of Tinki before the Where’s Tinki posts, in case someone is new to the site or game. Otherwise, they might not have any clue what or who to look for.

  2. Thank you for this awesome activity! This week was the first time I did this and afterwards had to go back and find previous Tinkis. Please, for the sake of humanity, keep doing “Where’s Tinki”.
    Too dramatic?

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