LOTRO Screen Shot of the Week – April 11th.

LOTRO Screen Shot of the Week – April 11th. post thumbnail image

Finally the winners of this weeks competition have been announced.

Over in the Buggins Burrow it is now Friday, they must have had a long, tough job sorting through the entries and picking winners.

We have three winners this week!

The winning entries are not displayed in the facebook offerpop page that the competition is hosted on.

You can view one winner on the LOTRO Facebook page photos section.

All three winners and last weeks five winners can be viewed here:

LOTRO Winners on LOTRO.com

 Sûri-kylä – “Strong in the Cold”


 Caught a nice shot while riding through Rohan on my war steed!


 Hobbits dream in Fanghorn


All winners are awarded with a prize of 500 Turbine Points each.

I have been posting my entries in the competition and also on my own blog site. I’d love to know what you all think of my choices.

Good luck to all who have entered, I have really enjoyed viewing the entries.

It would be nice if there was a Slide-Show option over on FB or even LOTRO.com to have a good look at all of them.

If you have yet to enter a Screen Shot, it is easy and simple to do! Also it may take some time for your entry to appear. I learned this after re-posting my shot after three days, now I have two versions of the same shot entered. Opps.


4 thoughts on “LOTRO Screen Shot of the Week – April 11th.”

    1. Sorry Vin I did not see your question before now. On my computer I take screenshots with the F11 key. All my screenshots are stored in My Documents LOTRO Folder. I like to do a little post processing and selection for my entries.

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