The 7th year Anniversary for LOTRO approaches, and Turbine has released details showing the different kinds of rewards that will be given out to players. This follows a similar structure to previous years, with all players recieving fireworks, and Premium/VIP players will get stacking rewards depending on how long they’ve had their account. Below are the tiers listed in full, also be sure to check the link for an FAQ answering various questions regarding the bestowal of theser rewards.
All Players

1 Year
Accounts created on April 30th, 2013 or earlier
A New Adventurer
You will receive:
- A 1-year character portrait frame
- Anniversary Fireworks

2 Year
Accounts created on April 30th, 2012 or earlier
A Welcome Ally
You will receive:
- A 2-year character portrait frame
- 3x Tomes of Continuing Swiftness (60 min duration)
- 1 +5% Attack Damage (90 min)
- 10 Battle Potion of Restoration

3 Year
Accounts created on April 30th, 2011 or earlier
A Seasoned Player
You will receive:
- A 3-year character portrait frame
- 3 Loot box keys

4 Year
Accounts created on April 30th, 2010 or earlier
A Stalwart Adventurer
You will receive:
- A 4-year character portrait frame
- Azure Festival Clothing

5 Year
Accounts created on April 30th, 2009 or earlier
Amongst the first to brave the depths of Moria
You will receive:
- A 5-year character portrait frame
- Festive Azure Steed

6 Year
Accounts created on April 30th, 2008 or earlier
The first to answer the call to arms, you have roots in LOTRO
that run as deep as the mallorn trees of Lothlórien.
You will receive:
- A 6- year character portrait frame
- Festive Azure War-Steed Appearance Set
7 Year
Accounts created on June 30th, 2007 or earlier
Legends in their own time. Ancient forests and
men of old sing songs of your acts of valor.
You will receive:
- A 7- year character portrait frame
- A Shield-Cloak
- 1 Loot box Key
Your Monster Play character will receive:
- The “Dancing” Emote
- 5% Attack Damage x5
Edit: Someone was kind enough to send in screenshots of the new ‘Shield-Cloak’ for us to look at. The images are shown below, showing different angles and how the item dyes:
Let us know what you think!
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