Meet The Starlight Orchestra – Brass.

Hey Everyone,

In our second installment of TSO people, I would like to introduce the Brass Section.

Krohkur on 1st Horn is the Leader of the the Brass Section, as well as leading the Horns.



Anthemisa is the leader of the Pipes and Pib Section, although Keeblers has been doing a wonderful job filling in as assistant Pipes leader in recent rehearsals.

The decision to include Bagpipes and Pibgorn into the Brass section, when they are in fact Woodwind instruments was made in accordance to the sounds and roles both instruments have within The Starlight Orchestra.

3 thoughts on “Meet The Starlight Orchestra – Brass.”

  1. Will the performance be recorded in some fashion (whether someone is livestreaming it, or uploading audio/video to Youtube/etc? I’d love to have a listen, but I have a prior engagement (two, actually) that day.

  2. I have not made plans to record the show, I would welcome any one who would like to record us.

    I do have a snippit of one of my arrangements over on my blog: The Outlandish Buggins. (Link is over in the blogoll).

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