What Every-One At LOTRO Players Done This Week!
By Lilikate Buggins.
For all those who requested a “What they did” review.
Andang: Andang was on holiday from school this week so he decided to look at update changes in LOTRO.
He was taking rides on ponies with Ethelros and Skirmishing with Pineleaf.
He also led the LOTRO Adventures suicide run that didn’t seem to be overly successful this week as not so many died!
Ethelros: He lost his tail and was sad, but was happy again when Christopher Robin found it, but was sad again when Tigger “Bounced” him but was happy again when he found a Twinkie.
Pineleaf: Pineleaf skirmished. Alot!
Draculetta: After much deliberation Drac decided to count all the lamp-posts in Bree Town and then he made a little Ditty to sing to the Bree Kids about counting lamp-posts with much laughter and happiness for all.
Braxwolf: Braxwolf debated something really intensley and did other things too. He picked something for LPN.
Myst: While Myst has everybody’s fooled with her “I am just leveling and dying” stories, in this or that region. I shall tell you all what she is really up-to! You heard it here first folks. Myst has a huge mansion in Forochel in a top secret location where she is building an army of evil Bird creatures in her efforts to win dominion over Middle-Earth and make us all celebrate Christmas every day of the year. Sometimes (Like on LP News and LP Adventures) she pretends they are just Australian wild life. When they are, in fact a new deadly mob to set on us all when she deems it wise!
Lilikate: On my hunter on Landroval I decided to tidy up all my dresses, this was tough because I had left some of my dresses on Prudy and had forgotten I had left them in her bags.
On my hunter on Landroval I scouted for a new idea for a player run race event about The Shire. More news to come on this event idea as the Windy Acres – Spring racing carnival approaches.
On my hunter on Landroval I listened to a really good band, had a lovely chat with them and hob nobbed for a while dancing and eating pie. Oh X 4
On my hunter in Landroval, I assisted Miss Fincin with her preparations for a concert event TBA.
On my hunter on Landroval I tested new 24 part arrangements also I went looking for a few really cool screen-shots to add to my collection.
On my hunter on Landroval I picked a new outfit for the TSO Concert on the 12th April.
On my OP Hunter on Landroval I went to Goblin Town and drew a map for Bilbo… I also completed one or two quests while I was there.
Lilikate finks about learning to spell propper!
OMG thanks Lili! <3
I suppose this makes up for last February – I'll expect another report next year! Thaaaaanks.
Your Welcome! What happened last February?
Well, I thought you said you’d crank one of these out for me every month starting with an F – this one will do for 2014.
And just for this, I’ll start to work on the imaginary Lilikate Fan Club banner!
I can do one a Monff… I said the “monff” or Month has to have ff’s and not th’s. A reference to my blocked nose making my accent stronger and stronger as the podcast was progressing. I can do one newsletter just for you the last weekend of every Month but I can assure you it will not be entirely factual reporting.
Oh a banner for me! Yippie!
Did you like my report? Did you need more detail?
It was a FINE report, indeed. I could be picky and ask for Myst’s details, but I think it could mesh so easily with yours, I’ll let it fly.
Noo Myst and I are completely different I will add her adventures in an edit. BRB
Fantastic. I always wondered what that “abandoned” mansion was doing in the middle of the Ice Bay of Forochel.
You pretty much nailed what I did all week. Not sure how you knew!
One Lamp Post EH EH EH… Two Lamp Post.. Eh Eh Eh
I think and I think you will have found there are more than two! Stop being so modest! How did that song go again? All the kids in Bree were singing it
Stop it Drac!
Absolutely Brilliant Lili!
As for Eirlog Musclegut…
On Riddermark he continues to pose shirtless all around Middle Earth and help his 11-year old son and his best friend level and grind Turbine Points.
On Landroval, Eirlog bemoans the lack of cake-hats on the Auction House. He understands that the Anniversary festival is just around the corner, and he can get one then, but feels naked without one (and he’s wearing a shirt!).
Eirlog also followed Staafdang blindly off a cliff in Annuminas (since he was helping MrsEir in the kitchen). Next time I’m /following Pineleaf!
Check you postal service, as I have one of those hats to spare…. Packing it up now… Will send asap.
My goodness! Thank you so much Lilikate! :D:D:D
Still have to get to Middle Earth to send the hat but it’ll be the first thing I do when I can log in.