Lilikate’s Screenshots – Hanging With My Elfie.

Hullo There!

Preparing for the big concert on the 12th April has taken all my creative time and effort.


I hope these screenies amuse you all just a little bit.



Who’s taller now eh?


Pibgorn Battle!

Yep! We had a big Pibgorn off! Just be happy this didn’t take place near you. Although the pic is note free we made many of them and a squeel and squeak! Corulin and I had the best of times!



  1. Wilros /

    Haha, these made me chuckle. Very unfortunate that your head got detached from the rest of your body there…

    • Lilikate Buggins. /

      My body was still there! but someone forgot to inform me of the invisible trapdoor which opens only on the first moon of march every two years!

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