LOTRO Players News Episode 38: We Were Wrong

A new class confirmed for 2014 and tons of Update 13 news in this week’s show.

Blooper video here.

Game News

Changes to LOTRO Bullroarer Server Testing

Update 13 Beta Patch Notes

Update 13 Landscape Videos

Update 13 Inventory Changes

Update 13 Freepside PvMP Changes

(Note to self; I was right about the Huorn pet) ~ Ethelros

Bullroarer Isengard Run Livestream Transcript

Store Sales

Free Sample Of The Week +100% Mark Acquisition (90 min) x1

Use Coupon Code MARX9 1/Account March 14th – March 20th

Double Bonus Points!  Now – March 24th

25 % Off

  • Select Cosmetics

  • Shared Wardrobe

  • Cosmetic Outfit Slots

  • Mounted Combat Trait Specs

  • War-steed Cosmetic Slots

LOTRO Players News

Poll: Would You Buy Session Play Packs?

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 6

Unexpected Vidcast Episode 36

Brax’s pick of the week: Do we actually value people in this industry or not? by Alan Wilson at Gamasutra

Question of the Week

Can revamps qualify as ‘content’?

Where is the balance in revamping old content and systems versus new additions?


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This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support on iTunes.

Featured Comments

Braxwolf left a comment on the blooper video for episode 37 of LOTRO Players News:

“Sounds like fun! I’ll see if I can fit my big head back into the newsroom next week.”

Gareth left a comment on episode 37 of LOTRO Players News:

“Your only South African fan? no way, allow me to be number 2 :), been listening since episode 1, and cstm for years before.”


This week we did not receive any emails but we would love to hear from you.

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Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Final Thoughts

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Thanks for watching!

10 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 38: We Were Wrong”

  1. A new class is great but will turbine increase the number of character slots available to us ???
    or will we be saying goodbye to one of our existing toons..

    1. When they added the Runekeeper and Warden class in with Moria, they came with 2 extra character slots. The new one, though not seeming to be part of an expansion, will hopefully do the same thing.

      1. There is a post on the official LOTRO.com forums asking how many Character Slots players want. I think 25 is the most popular response. It would suit my needs as Lizzy wants to roll two more characters, I will also need some space for the new class.

    2. Honestly, I’d be surprised if they gave us any character slots when the new class came out. The two given during the Moria timeframe were a part of the expansion pack, and that was prior to the store being stood up. In the F2P model, it’s adventageous for them to give us something that also encourages us to buy something (examples, a new skill tree that encourages us to buy a 3rd specialization slot, or mounted combat that encourages us to buy more cosmetics and colors)

  2. Great news in update 13 , but we need more endgame content , we just leveling alts and and this is getting boring, most kin member doesn’t appears anymore 🙁

  3. With the release of first agers will they be converting all our seals into medallions again?

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