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Update 13 Freepside PvMP Changes(Video)

Update 13 has finally made its way onto Bullroarer, and with it has come some significant changes to PvMP, both Freep and Creep. In order to show off some of these changes, our very own PvMPAndang(subscriiiiiiibe!) has released a video detailing them:

For my part, I am mostly pleased with these changes. While I personally would’ve liked a more permanent access for Non-VIPs, I accept that it may not be the best solution for everybody.

The level scaling is a huge deal for me, as while I was expecting it at some point, to get it this soon is a very pleasant surprise. I’m hoping this in combination with the temp access will bring more Freeps to the Moors(and get nommed on by Wargs; Yum!). As far as balance is concerned, it will come down to whether Creeps have been brought up enough statwise to withstand the Freep Tsunami.

Additional info:

  • The level scaling also ups your virtues to 14, as with Epic Battles
  • There are new armour sets from level 20-70(the 40+ sets have Audacity), which will also upscale with you until your level exceeds them by more than 10.
  • The price for temporary Moors access is currently 20 Mithril Coins for 6 hours. They can be bought multiple times to stack up the playtime. The timer only counts down when in the Ettenmoors.

2 thoughts on “Update 13 Freepside PvMP Changes(Video)”

  1. My warg is max audacity, traited for 6 mastery, 3 crit, dmg for pwr 2, hth for pwr 2 and dmg for hlth 2. Tonight a LM did 27k in a single shot me while a hunter finished it with an upshot of 20k. DEAD in 2 hits….

    Balance? Increase the warg dps…if they can hit for that much, wargs should be able to also.

  2. The changes sound really good, hoping that new people will try out the Ettens and it is nice that Turbine are thinking about us. Will come down to how the creeps are changed with the update, with certain new games coming out soon creep numbers might be lower than usual and we will need all the help we can get.

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